LSTM e GRU: Miglioramenti delle Recurrent Neural Networks
Benvenuti al quarto articolo della nostra serie dedicata alle #Recurrent #Neural #Networks (#RNN).
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#recurrent #neural #networks #rnn #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Problemi delle Recurrent Neural Networks: Scomparsa del Gradiente
Benvenuti al terzo articolo della nostra serie dedicata alle reti neurali ricorrenti (#RNN). Dopo aver introdotto le #Recurrent #Neural #Networks e la loro #architettura, rispettivamente nel primo e nel secondo #articolo, in questo articolo affronteremo un problema comune che le affligge: la temibile scomparsa del #gradiente.
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#rnn #recurrent #neural #networks #architettura #articolo #gradiente #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Introduzione alle Recurrent Neural Networks
Benvenuti a questa serie di articoli sulle #reti #neurali #ricorrenti (#RNN). Queste reti sono una parte cruciale del progresso nell’ambito dell’#intelligenza #artificiale e del #MachineLearning.
A cura di Simone Raponi del gruppo AI di RHC.
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#reti #neurali #ricorrenti #rnn #intelligenza #artificiale #machinelearning #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
#ÖPNV in #Rheinhessen: Ab September werden keine Fahrten der Linie 660 angezeigt, weder bei #RNN noch bei #Bahn. Das Servicetelefon von RNN sagt mir großzügig, ich solle später wieder anrufen.
Es ist eh schon schwierig genug, wenn ich mit ÖPNV bzw. Fernverkehr eine doppelte oder dreimal so lange Reisezeit einplanen muss. Wenn ich dann auch noch keine Planungsgrundlage für Verbindungen habe, reise ich halt mit dem Auto, leider. Immerhin muss ich dann bei Morgenterminen keine zusätzliche Übernachtung einplanen.
Our #ICML2023 paper introduces an adaptive gradient re-scaling trick to fully resolve the exploding grad. problem when training recurrent neural networks (#RNN) on chaotic #DynamicalSystems. By this we were able reconstruct DS underlying even challenging empirical data (like EEG) incl. their attractors:
While many algorithms manage good short-term predictions, what has been tricky so far is capturing the long-term dynamics. If you know of any other #ML/ #AI / #DataScience algos which can achieve this on real world data, please let us know!
Fantastic work by Florian Hess, Manuel Brenner, & Zahra Monfared!
Graphical abstract below ...
#datascience #ai #ml #dynamicalsystems #rnn #icml2023
GraphPNAS: Learning Probabilistic Graph Generators for Neural Architecture Search
"We propose a solution inspired by biological neuron dynamics that makes the communication between RNN units sparse and discrete."
Now you got my attention – thanks for sharing!
By the way the event-based approach to computational efficiency without compromising performance seems Delbruck-inspired. Amusingly, in the paper the DVS128 Gesture Dataset is used ... very fitting indeed.
A very nice tutorial/introduction to RNNs
#rnn #vanishinggradients #compsci #statistics #appliedmath #computerscience #datascience
#rnn #vanishinggradients #compsci #statistics #appliedmath #computerscience #datascience
Recurrent Memory Transformer (RMT) retains information across up to 2 million tokens (!) ⭐, significantly exceeding the largest input size reported for transformer models (64K tokens) and GPT-4's 32K tokens.
#MachineLearning #ML
#NeuralNetworks #NN
#LLM #Transformers #RNN
#rnn #transformers #llm #deeplearning #nn #neuralnetworks #ml #machinelearning
RT @BlinkDL_AI
Raven v8🐦14B to the moon🚀based on #RWKV (100% #RNN language model) 14B/7B/3B/1B Download: And v9 soon (ctxlen 8192, 3x SFT data)🚀
@axoaxonic @lili Relatedly, this paper just got posted at the arxiv:
"Resurrecting Recurrent Neural Networks for Long Sequences" by Orvieto et al 2023
#neuroscience #machinelearning #rnn
Feedback would be very appreciated
#snn #sparseneuralnetwork #pretraining #recurrentneuralnetwork #rnn #dynamicsparsity
#snn #sparseneuralnetwork #pretraining #recurrentneuralnetwork #rnn #dynamicsparsity
Eben wollte ich mich fast für mein erstes #Barcamp in diesem Jahr anmelden. Jetzt habe ich einen Artikel über meine Überlegungen geschrieben, warum ich vielleicht doch nicht teilnehme. Und ob ich nicht meine #Bahncard wegwerfen soll.
Das Barcamp? Ganz sicher ganz toll. An- und Abreise? Mit #Bus und #Bahn? Ähnlich sicher wie mit 10.000 Euro ins #Casino zu gehen.
Et voilà. 10. BarCamp Tourismusnetzwerk Rheinland-Pfalz – aber der ÖPNV!
#rnn #trier #mainz #opnv #casino #bahn #bus #bahncard #barcamp Recurrent Neural Network that claims to match transformers like ChatGPT for text generation while using less resources.
Looking forward to present my work on how spatially-embedded recurrent neural networks reveal widespread links between structural and functional neuroscience findings at the SNUFA Seminar Series:
This Wednesdays, 1st FEB, 15:00 CET
#neuroscience #ai #rnn #neuralnetwork
Investigating Action Encodings in Recurrent Neural Networks in Reinforcement Learning
Matthew Kyle Schlegel, Volodymyr Tkachuk, Adam M White, Martha White
Interesting approach:
Analyze trained networks by linearizing the dynamics around approximate fixed points.
"Reverse engineering recurrent networks for sentiment classification reveals line attractor dynamics", 2019
#rnn #nn #neuralnetworks #ml #machinelearning
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for Language Modeling in Python course
#MachineLearning #RNN #pythonprogramming #python #NeuralNetworks
#machinelearning #rnn #pythonprogramming #python #neuralnetworks