danielholt · @danielholt
264 followers · 2636 posts · Server mstdn.games


I played some on Switch a few years ago. Didn't get very far but I'm wondering if maybe it's time I gave it a second look.

was a game I was desperate to play but didn't have the chance (it didn't launch on a console I owned for a while and the Switch version was....yikes).

I have played and found it to be perfectly okay. Lovely atmosphere and style but ultimately I found the combat to be a bit too wishy-washy for my tastes.

#discoelysium #road96 #trektoyomi

Last updated 1 year ago

PowerUps · @powerups
306 followers · 1333 posts · Server tkz.one
PowerUps · @powerups
299 followers · 1272 posts · Server tkz.one

@the_white_wolf @sumh Anime-Stil ist nicht so ganz meins. ;-) Habe aber just auf der durchgespielt und bin immer noch sehr begeistert. Gibt es auch für , , und .


#road96 #nintendoswitch #windows #ps4 #ps5 #xbox

Last updated 2 years ago

Renée · @renee
87 followers · 266 posts · Server union.place

Hi and ,

I’ve been playing and it’s quite good. I’m on my 2nd play-through - it has randomly generated road trips which increases replayability a bit, good value.

Also it’s set in a 1996 totalitarian fascist state that your character, a revolutionary teen, is trying to flee, while dodging criminals, cops, and garbage pro-state media. While also building a music collection.

There are comedic moments, too. It’s a good balance. On if you’re interested.

#gamers #notyetgamers #road96 #steam

Last updated 2 years ago

ChozOracle · @ChozOracle
23 followers · 146 posts · Server mastouille.fr
PowerUps · @powerups
132 followers · 610 posts · Server tkz.one
ChozOracle · @ChozOracle
18 followers · 73 posts · Server mastouille.fr

Road 96 - Volkor X, Kalax, The Toxic Avenger, SURVIVE, Robert Parker, Daniel Gadd, Alexis Laugier, E-Boyz, Xilix, du grand art entre urgence, moments confidentiels et surtout road trip. Mais que serait le jeu sans ce morceau de Cocoon !


#music #ost #videogames #videogame #indiegame #indiegames #Nintendo #nintendoswitch #musique #bandeoriginale #road96 #volkorx #kalax #thetoxicavenger #survive #RobertParker #danielgadd #alexislogier #eboyz #xilix #cocoon

Last updated 2 years ago

Niwlen Ster · @niwlenster
60 followers · 68 posts · Server celt.social

Just finished my first full playthrough of by Digixart and boy do I have opinions.

Currently in the Steam sale at 50% off and under a tenner, btw. I got six hours out of my first full playthrough and will get more under new game plus. Soundtrack also legit. Very good game and worth a play.

It's somewhat procedural, so your mileage will vary, but it seems there are three endings. While I was somewhat disappointed with some of the politics involved in mine, some of it was excellent.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ariipoppy :verified_purple: · @Ariipoppy
651 followers · 1069 posts · Server tkz.one

Os los advierto, este mes voy a traer MUCHOS JUEGOS. Así que, esta semana, empezamos. Podremos jugar OTROS MUCHOS JUEGOS que tengo pendientes y que sean algo más tranquilos para variar en el canal, Después traeré el plague tale REQUIEM, también tengo el Road 96 que creo que es el primero que jugaremos porque le tengo muchísimas ganas, obviamente no me olvido de que tenemos que acabar el The callisto, pero creo que necesito jugar otra cosa antes de terminarlo para relajar mi mente y volver a los directos sin ansiedad. Así que , el viernes nos vemos!

#streams #twitch #road96 #plaguetalerequiem #streaming #directos

Last updated 2 years ago

ChozOracle · @ChozOracle
7 followers · 6 posts · Server mastouille.fr

Fini et je suis vraiment content de l'avoir enfin fait. Les scènes sont majoritairement très bien écrites et même souvent touchantes, la BO tabasse, les persos sont attachants.

Belle diversité de gameplay aussi, qui évolue en gagnant progressivement des compétences à chaque run, avec des mini jeux amusants et des mises en scène diverses qui rappellent les décisions prises dans des sessions précédentes.

Vraiment rafraîchissant dans le domaine mi-aventure à la Telltate, mi-rogue like.


Last updated 2 years ago

pedradagamer · @pedradagamer
3 followers · 95 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Besuchen Sie: youtu.be/NI0CX4RfpZM und sehen Sie sich das vollständige Gameplay an.

Road 96 ist ein wunderschöner und verrückter Roadtrip. Die Entdeckung spannender Orte und ungewöhnlicher Menschen auf einer individuellen Reise in die Freiheit...

#winnetou #gaming #games #gamers #videogames #gameplay #youtube #videos #xbox #gamepass #XboxGamePass #xCloud #cloud #xboxcloudgaming #playing #walkthrough #youtuber #road96 #ravenscourt

Last updated 2 years ago

PedradaGamer · @PedradaGamer
4 followers · 93 posts · Server donphan.social

Visit: youtu.be/NI0CX4RfpZM and watch the full gameplay.

Road 96 is a beautiful and crazy road trip. The discovery of exciting places and unusual people on an individual journey towards freedom. An ever-evolving adventure narrative inspired by the works of Tarantino, the Coen brothers and Bong Joon-ho. Made by the award-winning creators of Valiant Hearts and Memories Retold...

#ravenscourt #road96 #gamingcommunity #community #youtuber #gamestagram #gaminglife #gamerlife #xcloudgameplay #comojogar #xboxshare #walkthrough #playing #jogo #jogos #gameplaybr #jogando #XboxCloudGaming #cloud #xCloud #xboxgamepass #GamePass #xbox #videos #youtube #gameplay #videogames #gamers #games #gaming

Last updated 2 years ago