On July 2, 1997, Kingpin was released on VHS in Finland. Here’s a drawing of Woody Harrelson to celebrate!
#Kingpin #FarrellyBrothers #ComedyMovies #SportsComedy #BuddyComedy #RoadComedy #Slapstick #90sMovies #BlackComedy ##PenDrawing #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#kingpin #farrellybrothers #comedymovies #sportscomedy #buddycomedy #roadcomedy #slapstick #90smovies #blackcomedy #pendrawing #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 16, 1986, Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 was released on VHS in the United Kingdom. Here’s a sketch of Jerry Reed on a Post-It Note to mark the occasion!
#SmokeyAndTheBanditPart3 #SmokeyAndTheBandit #DickLowry #JerryReed #Carsploitation #BoxOfficeBomb #RoadMovie #RoadComedy #PostItArt #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#smokeyandthebanditpart3 #smokeyandthebandit #dicklowry #jerryreed #carsploitation #boxofficebomb #roadmovie #roadcomedy #postitart #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On June 12, 2020, Mystery Train and Made in U.S.A. we're screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground.
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #MysteryTrain #MadeInUSA #ArthouseFilm #RoadMovies #DoubleFeature #IndieFilm #RoadComedy #IndieCinema #FanArt #Drawing #Art #Movies
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #mysterytrain #madeinusa #arthousefilm #roadmovies #doublefeature #indiefilm #roadcomedy #indiecinema #FanArt #drawing #art #movies
On June 8, 2001, Joe Dirt debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some David Spade art to celebrate!
#JoeDirt #DennieGordon #DavidSpade #ComedyMovies #RoadComedy #AdventureComedy #ScrewballComedy #2000sMovies #CultCinema #RoadMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#joedirt #denniegordon #davidspade #comedymovies #roadcomedy #adventurecomedy #screwballcomedy #2000smovies #cultcinema #roadmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 8, 1984, National Lampoon’s Vacation debuted in West Germany. Here’s a portrait of Chevy Chase on a torn-out book page to mark the occasion!
#Vacation #NationalLampoonsVacation #NationalLampoon #HaroldRamis #ChevyChase #ComedyMovie #RoadMovie #RoadComedy #WallyWorld #1980sMovies #AdventureComedy #PenDrawing #BookArt
#vacation #nationallampoonsvacation #nationallampoon #haroldramis #chevychase #comedymovie #roadmovie #roadcomedy #wallyworld #1980smovies #adventurecomedy #pendrawing #bookart
On April 18, 1998, The Cannonball Run was screened on Svengoolie. Here’s some Burt Reynolds fan art!
#TheCannonballRun #CannonballRun #HalNeedham #BurtReynolds #Carsploitation #ChaseFilm #80sMovies #ExploitationFilm #GoldenHarvest #RoadMovies #RoadComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thecannonballrun #cannonballrun #halneedham #burtreynolds #carsploitation #chasefilm #80smovies #exploitationfilm #goldenharvest #roadmovies #roadcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 15, 1980, Corvette Summer debuted in Portugal. Here’s some Mark Hamill and Annie Potts art to celebrate!
#CorvetteSummer #MarkHamill #AnniePotts #Carsploitation #TCMUnderground #ComedyMovies #RoadComedy #CultCinema #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#corvettesummer #markhamill #anniepotts #carsploitation #tcmunderground #comedymovies #roadcomedy #cultcinema #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 7, 1995 Dumb and Dumber debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some art inspired by the film’s VHS box!
#DumbAndDumber #FarrellyBrothers #JimCarrey #JeffDaniels# #90sMovies #ScrewballComedy #RoadMovie #BuddyComedy #RoadComedy #Providence #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dumbanddumber #farrellybrothers #jimcarrey #jeffdaniels #90smovies #screwballcomedy #roadmovie #buddycomedy #roadcomedy #providence #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 30, 1984, Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 debuted in Norway. Here’s a sketch of Jerry Reed on a Post-It Note to mark the occasion!
#SmokeyAndTheBanditPart3 #SmokeyAndTheBandit #DickLowry #JerryReed #Carsploitation #BoxOfficeBomb #RoadMovie #RoadComedy #PostItArt #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#smokeyandthebanditpart3 #smokeyandthebandit #dicklowry #jerryreed #carsploitation #boxofficebomb #roadmovie #roadcomedy #postitart #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On February 13, 1981 Smokey and the Bandit II debuted in Brazil. Here’s a portrait of Dom DeLuise to mark the occasion!
#SmokeyAndTheBanditII #Sequel #SmokeyAndTheBandit #HalNeedham #DomDeLuise #RoadComedy #BuddyComedy #MovieArt #ActionMovie #ActionComedyMovies #ChaseFilm #PopArt #Art #MovieHistory
#smokeyandthebanditii #sequel #smokeyandthebandit #halneedham #domdeluise #roadcomedy #buddycomedy #movieart #actionmovie #actioncomedymovies #chasefilm #popart #art #moviehistory
On February 2, 1975 Rafferty and the Gold Dust Twins premiered in New York City. Here’s a drawing of Mackenzie Phillips as Frisbee to celebrate!
#RaffertyAndTheGoldDustTwins #DickRichards ##MackenziePhillips #ComedyMovies #RoadMovie #CrimeFilm #RoadComedy #TCMUnderground #Art #PopArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#raffertyandthegolddusttwins #dickrichards #mackenziephillips #comedymovies #roadmovie #crimefilm #roadcomedy #tcmunderground #art #popart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On January 29, 2013 National Lampoon’s Vacation was released on Blu-ray in Poland. Here’s a portrait of Chevy Chase on a torn-out book page to mark the occasion!
#Vacation #NationalLampoonsVacation #NationalLampoon #HaroldRamis #ChevyChase #ComedyMovie #RoadMovie #RoadComedy #WallyWorld #1980sMovies #AdventureComedy #PenDrawing #BookArt
#vacation #nationallampoonsvacation #nationallampoon #haroldramis #chevychase #comedymovie #roadmovie #roadcomedy #wallyworld #1980smovies #adventurecomedy #pendrawing #bookart
On January 26, 1978 Smokey and the Bandit debuted in the Netherlands. Here’s some original Burt Reynolds art to mark the occasion!
#SmokeyAndTheBandit #HalNeedham #BurtReynolds #TheBandit #RoadComedy #MovieArt #ActionMovie #CultFilm #70sMovies #TransAm #TruckerMovies #Drawing #Art #MovieHistory
#smokeyandthebandit #halneedham #burtreynolds #thebandit #roadcomedy #movieart #actionmovie #cultfilm #70smovies #transam #truckermovies #drawing #art #moviehistory
On December 19, 1980 The Blues Brothers debuted in Australia and Finland. Here's some original Jake and Elwood fan art to mark the occasion!
#TheBluesBrothers #JohnLandis #DanAykroyd #JohnBelushi #MusicalComedy #ComedyMovies #Drawing #TrashArt #PopArt #RoadComedy #Musical #FanArt #FediArt #FediArtist #ArtOfMastodon
#thebluesbrothers #johnlandis #danaykroyd #johnbelushi #musicalcomedy #comedymovies #drawing #trashart #popart #roadcomedy #Musical #FanArt #fediart #fediartist #artofmastodon
On December 16, 2008 Bottle Rocket was released on DVD in Australia. Here's a new portrait of Owen Wilson to celebrate!
#BottleRocket #OwenWilson #WesAnderson #ComedyMovies #HeistFilm #RoadComedy #CultCinema #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bottlerocket #owenwilson #WesAnderson #comedymovies #heistfilm #roadcomedy #cultcinema #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory