Finished Road Of Bones by Christopher Golden, a fast paced chiller, where the cold setting will leap of the page and into your bones. Not bad at all.
#RoadOfBones #TitanBooks #ChristopherGolden #HorrorBooks #bookstodon
#bookstodon #horrorbooks #christophergolden #titanbooks #roadofbones
Next book to read, plucked from the endless TBR pile, is Road Of Bones by Christopher Golden.
#RoadOfBones #ChristopherGolden #bookstodon #bookcommunity #HorrorBooks
#horrorbooks #bookcommunity #bookstodon #christophergolden #roadofbones
#RoadOfBones is a chilling experience so far, pun unintended, and it reminded me of that brief segment of #Metro2033 (the book by #DmitryGlukhovsky ), where the Protagonist and his companion encountered paranormal experience in the tunnel resulting in fatal consequence.
#bookstodon #dmitryglukhovsky #metro2033 #roadofbones
#CurrentlyReading #RoadOfBones by #ChristopherGolden, it was recommended by someone here on Mastodon. It is about a small group of friends and strangers travelling along the Road of Bones (real place) to the (fictional) town that is the coldest place on Earth, home to 500+ residents. And once there, they found it unexpectedly abandoned.
#currentlyreading #bookstodon #christophergolden #roadofbones