That’s Entertainment! Part 7 History of Travel #circus #Entertainment #movies #PlacesToTravel #Radio #RoadScholar #Soclof #streaming #travel #tv #vacation #WesternEuropeTrip
#circus #entertainment #movies #placestotravel #radio #roadscholar #soclof #streaming #travel #tv #vacation #westerneuropetrip
Reading the NYT piece on older people bereft of public support for COVID protection, couldn't help thinking about how the Let-'er-Rip policies have kept many of us out of airports, theaters, stadiums, etc.
It's got to be some real money at stake. In my little circle, no one travels at the same rate they once did, and many, me included, have simply stopped.
Checked with Road Scholar, a respected travel operation aimed at elders, for their #COVID19 protocol and was pleasantly surprised. Wonder how their numbers look these days.
I’m a retired #regional #transportation #planner living in #Hayward in the #SanFranciscoBayArea . My hobbies include reading, bicycling, playing piano, #jazz #hiking #travel with #RoadScholar #theater #wine #beer #progressive #politics #GIS #geography
I have a data hobby: looking at #data from the US #Census including the #ACSData (American Community Survey) and #decennial census and #IPUMS, using the #rstats packages #tidycensus #tigris #tidyverse
#introduction #regional #transportation #planner #hayward #sanfranciscobayarea #jazz #hiking #travel #roadscholar #theater #wine #beer #progressive #politics #gis #geography #data #census #acsdata #decennial #ipums #rstats #tidycensus #tigris #tidyverse