If you saw *THOSE* alleged commercials on Superbowl Sunday, you know the walls separating religion and State are cracking. We are on the #RoadToGilead.
If you saw *THOSE* alleged commercials on Superbowl Sunday, you know the walls separating religion and State are cracking. We are on the #RoadToGilead.
Two thoughts colliding in my head:
I'm reading #CradlesOfTheReich by #JenniferCoburn. The book is historical fiction based on a secret breeding program the Nazis had to produce more "perfect Aryans". Think of some recent comments made by certain polticos.
I just watched #WomanKing. Certain other politicos would have us not know this unique piece of history.
#VoteBlue2024 and all other elections or will be on the #RoadToGilead and worse.
#cradlesofthereich #jennifercoburn #womanking #voteblue2024 #roadtogilead
@TonyStark Sorry, but this is NOT the beginning. It's been going on for quite a while. What we ARE witnessing is a tipping point: it is becoming so obvious to enough people that they (finally) want to do something about it.
Sadly, like the Climate Crisis, we may be beyond the Point of No Return and are heading down the #RoadToGilead.
Just my opinion, anyway.