My reading material during my trip.
Hmm... not quite the "Welcome home" I'd been hoping for....
Nearly home and look who were waiting for me to greet me at my last stop ;-)
Also: compare with the photos from the very first post in this thread: the pup has gained 10 kilos in those few weeks....
All good things come to an end... time to make my way back home.
So long Iberica, and thanks for all the fish.
Open question: what do you see when you look at this sign ?
When I look at it, I see a missed opportunity for a couple more design review rounds before mass-producing it....
Would you risk the roof of your car driving through this tunnel ?
And guess what.... back in Northern Spain, so I'm back in the snow again.... _sigh_
Compliments to the Spanish road workers though as the (mountain) road was mostly clear and most definitely perfectly passable (but slow going all the same).
Oh my life! I saw an otter in the wild !!!!
Unfortunately too quick for me to grab my camera. I hung around for another hour of so in the hopes it would show itself again, but no such luck unfortunately.
#roadtripiberica #parquenaturalderedes
Oh and I'm back in Northern Spain now and guess what.....
🎵 It's raining again
Oh no, my love's at an end
Oh no, it's raining again
Too bad I'm losing a friend 🎵
Spain: a country of water extremes - lots of areas suffering from too little, some of too much...
Case in point - I tried to visit a historical site with a Roman archeological dig.
Only to find it flooded...
Case of random oversharing...
A proud elderly Portuguese gentlemen during a five minute encounter at a bar:
"I'm not big, but" - nods to a woman sitting close-by at a table - "that's my fifth wife".
Dude... you do realize there is literally nothing about that statement to be proud about ????
Two bridges along the same road.
Anyone lost their pet crocodile ?
Been driving through forest/brush fire territory.
The scars are visible throughout the landscape.
While traveling, I've been giving hotel staff hell about GDPR violations.
No, you do not NEED my phone number. Same for my email address.
Worst offender was a hotel which refused to let me register without providing my full HOME address and then was at a loss on how to delete the data they had entered so far (as I was taking my business elsewhere, so I demanded they removed it).
With a hotel with 500+ rooms, hacker-B&E-ring heaven....
Hope @heatherburns will be proud 😍
Nice wide cycle path, don't you think ?
Nope, this is an actual full blown two direction road for cars....
Just a pretty little waterfall (near the gold mine).
Weight station from an old gold mine.
Made some friends near Porto D'Ohlo
Oh and in case you didn't realize, this country has a strong history based in Catholicism and in case you ever forget, there is a reminder of it around every other corner.