Redesigning roads and intersections to put humans first – The Bellingen case
Bellingen just 'upgraded' Gleniffer Road (The $5.2M “gate way to the Promised Land”) and NorthBankRoad. Both put fossil fuel vehicles first and forgot emission free mobility for people.
But cyclists and foot traffic deserve the same direct routes that motorists have. Elsewhere they rethink transport planning to promote safer cycling and walking options. Another missed opportunity to put Bellingen on the map for pollution free country cruising.
#Bellingen #PromisedLand #traffic #GlenifferRoad #WaterfallWay #NorthBankRoad #Roads #RoadUpgrades #FossilFuel #Infrastructure #tourism #network #so50s #cars #addiction #Ebikes #cycling #CyclePaths #Climate
#bellingen #promisedland #traffic #glenifferroad #waterfallway #northbankroad #roads #roadupgrades #fossilfuel #infrastructure #tourism #network #so50s #cars #addiction #ebikes #cycling #cyclepaths #climate