Top tip for driving in cold weather: Birds which are puffed up to keep the cold out, are far less aerodynamic than when the temperature is higher - and it takes them longer to get out of the road. Please give them a bit more time/space to escape your car. By the way - the correct term for this phenomenon is piloerection. Here’s a puffed-up Robin.

#wildlifephotograhy #photography #BirdPhotogaphy #roaduserhierarchy #roaduse #wildlife #driving #piloerection #ErithacusRubecula #robin

Last updated 2 years ago

netwench · @netwench
63 followers · 17 posts · Server

Do I reply to the school email, or do I just dress my child in their school uniform ignoring instructions?

It's the idea that fluorescent hair bobbles & arm bands will save my 5yo from road violence that grinds most.

#roadsafetyisnotdressinglikealightbulb #roaduserhierarchy

Last updated 2 years ago