Cracking thing to highlight; thank you. And #intel's #graphics card #drivers want to know about #websites you visit, and lots of other #metadata.
Perhaps now is the hour of #linux and #BSD and other potentially #surveillance free &/or #openSource &/or #selfHosted #infrastructure to shine!
Although someone might need to lay some groundwork with some #stoic #philosophy or #authors and promote an #internalLocusOfControl among the gen pop, first 🤪
#Seneca #MarcusAurelius #AntoineDeSaintExupery #RoaldDahl #TELawrence #Diogenes #openBSD #Nextcloud
#dataGrab #joinTheKnitYourOwnCheeseBrigade 😉
#jointheknityourowncheesebrigade #datagrab #nextcloud #openbsd #diogenes #telawrence #roalddahl #antoinedesaintexupery #marcusaurelius #seneca #internallocusofcontrol #authors #philosophy #stoic #infrastructure #selfhosted #opensource #surveillance #bsd #linux #metadata #websites #drivers #graphics #intel
Well, this is weird:
"Last week, the #RoaldDahl Museum & Story Center in England posted a statement acknowledging that the late author’s ' #racism is undeniable and indelible'”
Quite true & his views on #blacks (+ women + others) were vile.
BUT the statement in question
was motivated entirely by & is entirely about his #antisemitic views. It even cites #IHRA definition.
Yet word #antisemitism appears nowhere in the WashPo article
#roalddahl #racism #blacks #antisemitic #ihra #antisemitism #mazeldon
Fijn weekend allemaal! :D #roalddahl #neverendingstory #magic #inspiration #weekend
#weekend #inspiration #magic #neverendingstory #roalddahl
Timothée Chalamet fa ufficialmente il suo debutto nei panni di Willy Wonka nel primo trailer del film che ne racconta le origini 🍫
#wonka #willywonka #timotheechalamet #roalddahl #film #cinema #nerd
#wonka #willywonka #timotheechalamet #roalddahl #film #cinema #nerd
Gizmodo: The Wonka Trailer Is Here and the World Is Not Ready #tomandjerrywillywonkaandthechocolatefactory #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #charlieandthechocolatefactory #entertainmentculture #roalddahlswillywonka #kobnaholdbrooksmith #timotheechalamet #nestlecandyshop #humaninterest #sallyhawkins #oliviacolman #warnerbros #paddington #willywonka #jimcarter #hughgrant #mattlucas #roalddahl #paulking #tomdavis
#tomandjerrywillywonkaandthechocolatefactory #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #charlieandthechocolatefactory #entertainmentculture #roalddahlswillywonka #kobnaholdbrooksmith #timotheechalamet #nestlecandyshop #humaninterest #sallyhawkins #oliviacolman #warnerbros #paddington #willywonka #jimcarter #hughgrant #mattlucas #roalddahl #paulking #tomdavis
On July 3, 1971, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory debuted in Japan. Here’s an original portrait of Gene Wilder!
#WillyWonkaAndTheChocolateFactory #MelStuart #WillyWonka #GeneWilder #RoaldDahl #MusicalComedy #FantasyFilm #70sCinema #MusicalFantasyFilm #MovieArt #Drawing #Portrait #MovieHistory
#willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #melstuart #willywonka #genewilder #roalddahl #musicalcomedy #fantasyfilm #70scinema #musicalfantasyfilm #movieart #drawing #portrait #moviehistory
Long before ChatGPT and AI there was Roald Dahl...
Totally revamped #CharlieAndTheChocolateFactory: I would've made myself Head Chef, whipping up electrifying recipes to delight all! Replace golden tickets with sewn together patches, my specialty! Share my mysterious past with Wonka for unique BFF duo! #Movies #ChocolateMonster #BFFs #Chocolatemaker #RoaldDahl #Fantasy #BitBook
#charlieandthechocolatefactory #movies #chocolatemonster #bffs #chocolatemaker #roalddahl #fantasy #bitbook
43 years ago today:
Tales of the Unexpected
S2E15: The Orderly World of Mr Appleby
A man married three times might be lucky for the fourth time when he meets a new interest.
Airdate: 1980-06-07
#TalesoftheUnexpected #RoaldDahl #ITV #Television
#talesoftheunexpected #roalddahl #itv #television
1) Ronald Dahl was a troll.
2) The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (and Six More) is one of the touchstones of my childhood and I’m over the moon to see an adaptation by Wes Anderson.
3) It is a Hollywood Crime that we’re getting yet another Willy Wonka before we get even one shot at Danny the Champion of the World.
#RoaldDahl #troll #WesAnderson #HenrySugar #cinema #childhood #DannyTheChampionOfTheWorld
#roalddahl #troll #wesanderson #henrysugar #cinema #childhood #dannythechampionoftheworld
Trying to be a better student, so got a Readwise account so I can sync my notes to Notion. Apparently, I found this quote highlight worthy (from Matilda): ‘I’m afraid men are not always quite as clever as they think they are. You will learn that when you get a bit older, my girl.’ #Matilda #RoaldDahl #Readwise
Trigésimo episodio de la primera temporada de FICCIÓPATAS.
Hoy destripamos «La subida al cielo» de Roald Dahl, relato que podéis encontrar dentro de su antología «Relatos de lo inesperado». Este es uno de esos cuentos que el autor escribió para adultos y que refleja su querencia hacia el sarcasmo, la ironía y el humor negro más ácido. Un relato en el que habla a través de gestos e intenciones y que, a nosotros, nos ha encantado.
¿Lo habéis leído? ¿Qué os parece la escritura de Dahl? Háznoslo saber en los comentarios. 🧐
Podéis escuchar el Episodio 30 de Ficciópatas:
- en iVoox a través de este enlace
- en YouTube en
- o a través de para el resto de plataformas.
En el siguiente episodio destriparemos: «El diablo de la botella» de Robert Louis Stevenson.
Gracias siempre por vuestro apoyo. ¡Feliz domingo!
#ficciopatas #podcast #spanishwriters #victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #relatoscortos #bookstagram #bookstagramespaña #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #relatos #escribirficcion #youtube #saltoalaudiovisual #nosvemoslascaras #roalddahl #lasubidaalcielo #destripamosrelatos #relatosdeloinesperado #eldiablodelabotella #RobertLouisStevenson #RLStevenson #Thebottleimp
#ficciopatas #podcast #spanishwriters #victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #relatoscortos #bookstagram #bookstagramespana #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #relatos #YouTube #saltoalaudiovisual #nosvemoslascaras #roalddahl #lasubidaalcielo #destripamosrelatos #relatosdeloinesperado #eldiablodelabotella #robertlouisstevenson #rlstevenson #thebottleimp
Dopo #RoaldDahl, #AgathaChristie e lo #IanFleming di #JamesBond, anche il #DonRosa della #Saga di #ZioPaperone cade sotto i colpi della #censura, mettendo a rischio ogni futura ristampa della saga
#roalddahl #AgathaChristie #ianfleming #jamesbond #donrosa #saga #ZioPaperone #censura
Aquí un pequeño avance de lo que se viene este domingo en FICCIÓPATAS. Feliz miércoles.😉🖖🏼
#victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #siervosdelaguadaña #elartedemantenerseaflote #ficciopatas #ficciopataspodcast #podcasting #roalddahl #lasubidaalcielo #avancepodcast #trailer #avance #fedeerratas #destripandohistorias
#victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #siervosdelaguadana #elartedemantenerseaflote #ficciopatas #ficciopataspodcast #podcasting #roalddahl #lasubidaalcielo #avancepodcast #trailer #avance #fedeerratas #destripandohistorias
I made the #BruceBogtrotter #ChocolateCake from #RoaldDahl's #Matilda this weekend! This is a recipe in #RevoltingRecipes, an absolute classic childhood book for me! We used to make this quite a bit as kids but now in my 30s I can't eat half as much 😂 the last time I made it was about 8 years ago with my all friends. A lot of great memories associated with it!
#brucebogtrotter #chocolatecake #roalddahl #matilda #revoltingrecipes #baking #cake
Amid recent debates over several #publishers’ removal of potentially #offensivematerial from the work of popular 20th-century #authors including #RoaldDahl, R.L. Stine & #AgathaChristie is a less discussed but no less thorny ? about method of revisions. #Racial & #ethnic #slurs were snipped out of #Christie’s #mysteries.In each case. Buying an #ebook doesn’t necessarily mean it’s yours. #digitalrights
#publishers #offensivematerial #authors #roalddahl #agathachristie #racial #ethnic #slurs #Christie #mysteries #ebook #digitalrights
#Leftists: We would like material improvements in people's lives.
Capitalists: Best we can do is #Bowdlerise some historical books.
Leftists: That's not what we want though.
Conservatives: *Face melting like Belloq in #RaidersOfTheLostArk * #WOKEISM DID THIS!
#leftists #bowdlerise #raidersofthelostark #wokeism #politics #agathachriste #roalddahl #puffinbooks #books
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
- #willywonka #roalddahl #nonsense #wisdom
(variations possibly attributable to many previous sources)
#willywonka #roalddahl #nonsense #wisdom
Fun fact: I was lowkey inspired by Agatha Trunchbull when creating the headcanon that the Child Catcher used to be a fencing athlete.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (c) MGM, United Artists
#chittychittybangbang #thechildcatcher #SFWart #referencesheet #modelsheet #villain #mgm #disney #roalddahl
#roalddahl #disney #mgm #villain #modelsheet #referencesheet #sfwart #thechildcatcher #chittychittybangbang
Seeing #RoaldDahl defended because Matilda is a great feminist novel is quite funny since those elements of the story are mostly, if not completely, due to the intervention of editor Stephen Roxburgh.