Roaring like a lion, but the sound falls on deaf ears 🦁🔇 Like sound in the vastness of space, my voice goes unheard. #RoaringSilence #UnheardVoices #SpeakOut
#roaringsilence #unheardvoices #speakout
<<speculates forlornly to herself on the #ManfredMannian #RoaringSilence-ness of the !=replies>>
- nobody else uses #fosstodon ?
- nobody else uses #mastodon ?
- nobody else uses #KDEPlasma ?
- nobody else uses #WindowRules ?
- nobody uses #FirefoxBeta ?
- nobody else uses #PlasmaWayland ?
- nobody else exists, it's just #MeAndMyShadow here on this lonely rock?
#manfredmannian #roaringsilence #fosstodon #mastodon #kdeplasma #windowrules #firefoxbeta #PlasmaWayland #meandmyshadow