Rugby league star Rob Burrow’s wheelchair-accessible van vandalised | Yorkshire | The Guardian
Vehicle belonging to motor neurone disease fundraiser was targeted on Friday evening in West Yorkshire
#MND #robburrow #disabilityvanvandalised
Sports Personality of the Year 2022: Rob Burrow honoured with Helen Rollason Award Bravo Rob Burrow and ‘Sir’ Kev. You brought a tear to my eye. #bbcspoty #BBCSport #Rugbyleague #robburrow #kevinsinfield
#kevinsinfield #robburrow #Rugbyleague #BBCSport #bbcspoty
Wonderful to see the streets of Leeds lined with people supporting Kevin Sinfield on his 7 ultra marathons in 7 days for #MotorNeuroneDisease #marathon #running #UltraMarathon #RobBurrow
#robburrow #ultramarathon #running #marathon #motorneuronedisease