"Everybody Loves a Lover" is a #popular #song which was a hit single for #DorisDay in 1958. Its lyricist, #RichardAdler, and its composer, #RobertAllen, were both best known for collaborations with other partners. The music Allen composed, aside from this song, was usually for collaborations with #AlStillman, and Adler wrote the lyrics after the 1955 death of his usual composing partner, #JerryRoss.
#popular #song #dorisday #richardadler #robertallen #alstillman #jerryross
"Moments to Remember" is a 1955 #popular song about #nostalgia recorded by #Canadian quartet #TheFourLads. The song was originally written by #RobertAllen and #AlStillman for #PerryComo but was turned down by Como's management.
#popular #nostalgia #canadian #thefourlads #robertallen #alstillman #perrycomo
#7Books to know me:
I think I have to start with the books I’ve written, because they will reveal who I am (or at least was when I wrote them) most fully:
1. Jailbreaking the Goddess, #LasaraFirefoxAllen
2. Sexy Witch, #LasaraFirefox
3. Disjointed, #LasaraAllen #RobertAllen and #NicoGamacheKocol
4. We Were Witches, #ArielGore
5. I and Thou, #MartinBuber
6. Living My Life, #EmmaGoldman
7. From Earth Spirits to Sky Gods, #BruceLerro
#lit #WritingCommunity #Books #LiteraryCommunity
#literarycommunity #books #writingcommunity #lit #brucelerro #emmagoldman #martinbuber #arielgore #nicogamachekocol #robertallen #lasaraallen #lasarafirefox #lasarafirefoxallen #7books