Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
40239 followers · 38122 posts · Server

The American elite has *always* hated antitrust. In the 1980s, , abetted by and his co-conspirators at the gutted antitrust through something called the "," which ended anti-monopoly enforcement except in instances where price hikes could be directly and unarguably attributed to market power, which is, basically, never.


#ronaldreagan #robertbork #chicagoschoolofeconomics #consumerwelfarestandard

Last updated 2 years ago

Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
38440 followers · 35465 posts · Server

They may not be particularly invested in defending Google itself. Rather, they represent the last gasp of a 40-year-long conspiratorial legal ideology that embraced the Reagan-era idea of "consumer welfare":

This ideology begins with , Nixon's crooked solicitor general, whose crimes scuttled his Supreme Court nomination (his failed confirmation hearing was so cringe-inducing that it spawned the term "").


#robertbork #borked

Last updated 2 years ago

Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
32146 followers · 32700 posts · Server

But even though the incipiency standard remains on the books, its enforcement dwindled away to nothing, starting in the era, thanks to the 's influence. The neoliberal economists of Chicago, led by the Nixonite criminal , counseled that most monopolies were "efficient" and the inefficient ones would self-correct when new businesses challenged them, and demanded a halt to antitrust enforcement.


#reagan #chicagoschool #robertbork

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server

@eludom The initial thread scope was Doctorow's discussion of monopoly harms, and especially Robert Bork and Aaron Director's whole-cloth invention of "consumer value" as the sole concern of anti-trust policy, which is an utter fabrication, that's become the operative model in the US, and elsewhere, thanks specifically to their project to instill this myth.

AT&T operated under anti-trust and consent-decree investigations and limitations since 1913 ( The development of UNIX by Ritchie & Thompson occurred under terms of a 1956 consent decree forbidding the company from taking part in the "computer systems" (devices, software, operating systems) market. The options were to shelve to project ... or give it away. "From Ken, with love" tapes of the system were not directly supported by corporate policy, but weren't forbidden either. A grey no-property zone.

By 1980, the final stages of the US v. AT&T case, filed in 1974, were clear. The company would be broken up 4 years later, its monopoly was largely broken, and the Unix Wars and BSD lawsuit began, with the unencumbered from-scratch alternative Linux gaining a critical foothold:

Since then, the Baby Bells have re-merged and the monopoly resurrected, though in different form and in a different telecoms and computing environment.


#at #antitrust #monopoly #unix #bsd #unixwars #linux #robertbork #AaronDirector #UniversityOfChicago

Last updated 4 years ago