On sale tomorrow, #AlisonGaylin joins the #RobertBParker #Continuation effort w/ her #SunnyRandall #Novel #RobertBParkersBadInfluence. Here's my #Review: https://chatterrific.blogspot.com/2023/02/robert-b-parkers-bad-influence-by.html #Bookstodon
#alisongaylin #robertbparker #continuation #sunnyrandall #novel #robertbparkersbadinfluence #review #bookstodon
Imagine being an #Author and expecting a #Movie to reproduce the story you thought up and wrote. It doesn't happen.
#RobertBParker joyfully cried at the #TomSelleck #JesseStone movies, but #Selleck's version of the character was much older than Parker wrote, adapted to Selleck's age. Also important to note, Parker didn't write the Jesse Stone screenplays, having learned screenwriting wasn't his strong suit.
#author #movie #robertbparker #tomselleck #jessestone #selleck
#FantasyCasting #RobertBParker's #Spenser, as I often do:
#DylanWalsh as Spenser
#GinaGershon as #SusanSilverman
#VingRhames as #Hawk
I cast Susan before Hawk b/c Susan is more relevant to Spenser's character. This is the element every Spenser #TV / #Movie project to date has gotten wrong. #MarciaGayHarden was excellently cast in the 1999-2001 A&E movies, but the plots gave her nothing to do - and Parker himself wrote those scripts.
#fantasycasting #robertbparker #spenser #dylanwalsh #ginagershon #susansilverman #vingrhames #hawk #tv #movie #marciagayharden
#Literary example: #RobertBParker's #Hawk is originally an ex-boxer turned legbreaker opposed to #Spenser, an ex-boxer turned state cop and then P.I. Hawk was such an #Charismatic #Character that, from his second appearance onward, he's been Spenser's staunch ally.
#literary #robertbparker #hawk #spenser #charismatic #character
#AceAtkins won a competition to write #Spenser w/ 50 sample pages. The first #JesseStone continuation author, #MichaelBrandman, got that job b/c he'd worked on the #TomSelleck Jesse Stone #Movies. #RobertKnott likewise got the job to continue #RobertBParker's Cole & Hitch #Novels b/c he'd co-written the movie adaptation of #Appaloosa.
#aceatkins #spenser #jessestone #michaelbrandman #tomselleck #movies #robertknott #robertbparker #novels #appaloosa
#RobertBParker intentionally never wrote from #Hawk's POV, fearing it would demystify the #Character. I wouldn't mind Putnam considering #Continuation #Novels from Hawk's POV. If executed well, they'd open a new revenue stream and keep enough mystery. #GaryPhillips has an #Essay, "Looking for Hawk" in the Parker tribute anthology #InPursuitOfSpenser from #SmartPopBooks: https://smartpopbooks.com/book/in-pursuit-of-spenser/
#robertbparker #hawk #character #continuation #novels #garyphillips #essay #inpursuitofspenser #smartpopbooks
#RobertBParker left no instructions in his will what to do w/ his #Characters upon his death. His wife and sons agreed w/ Putnam to let his series be continued. I'm surprised he didn't leave that instruction himself. He was business-minded and did write as a way to support his family.
A more accurate description is #RobertBParker's estate and publisher have allowed #MikeLupica to write three of Parker's series.
A commenter on the #RobertBParker #Facebook page complains that #MikeLupica has taken over too many of Parker's series. He didn't take over. He couldn't have w/o the agreement of Parker's estate and publisher. Publishers sign authors they know can make them money.
#robertbparker #facebook #mikelupica
My first thoughts on the #Premise of the next #Spenser #Continuation #Novel #RobertBParkersBrokenTrust and #MikeLupica's move up the ranks to the plum #RobertBParker continuation job: https://chatterrific.blogspot.com/2023/03/robert-b-parkers-broken-trust-by-mike.html
#premise #spenser #continuation #novel #robertbparkersbrokentrust #mikelupica #robertbparker
Synopsis for the next #Spenser continuation #Novel #RobertBParkersBrokenTrust as #MikeLupica takes over from #AceAtkins: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/710343/robert-b-parkers-broken-trust-by-mike-lupica/ #RobertBParker
#spenser #novel #robertbparkersbrokentrust #mikelupica #aceatkins #robertbparker
#TV #Tubi apparently has all #SpenserForHire episodes except the 2-hour #Pilot, closely based on #RobertBParker's fourth novel, #PromisedLand, which introduced #Hawk.
#tv #tubi #spenserforhire #pilot #robertbparker #promisedland #hawk
#Trivia: #PatrickMahomes was born on #RobertBParker's 63rd #Birthday, September 17, 1995.
#trivia #patrickmahomes #robertbparker #birthday
I've begun #reading the #Netgalley of #AlisonGaylin's June 2023 first #SunnyRandall continuation #novel, #RobertBParkersBadInfluence. The prose, while perhaps not exactly like #RobertBParker, is as immediately readable as Parker.
#reading #netgalley #alisongaylin #sunnyrandall #novel #robertbparkersbadinfluence #robertbparker
Happy Birthday to #TomSelleck #BOTD 1945. He makes a great #JesseStone in the #RobertBParker series of movies. #WhatToWatch
#tomselleck #botd #JesseStone #robertbparker #WhatToWatch
Looking forward to #AlisonGaylin's June 2023 1st #SunnyRandall continuation #novel, #ROBERTBPARKER's BAD INFLUENCE: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/711819/robert-b-parkers-bad-influence-by-alison-gaylin/
#alisongaylin #sunnyrandall #novel #robertbparker
Flee market find: ‘In Pursuit of Spenser’, a Festschrift about noire writer Robert B. Parker - who sadly died in 2010.
To me he is the Master of the Witty Dialogue.
In it, an essay by Parker himself, analysing Spenser. In a fictitious interview by Amy.
‘Okay,’ Amy said, ‘just to warm up a little. Why are you such a wise guy?’
‘It’s a gift,’ I said.
Flee market find: ‘In Pursuit of Spenser’, a Festschrift about noire writer Robert B. Parker - who sadly died in 2010.
To me he is the Master of the Witty Dialogue.
In it, an essay by Parker himself, analysing Spenser. In a fictitious interview by Amy. ‘She was a professor at Harvard and, faced with that limitation, not bad looking.’
#bookstodon Favorite authors
#thrillers #romance #mystery
#mystery #romance #thrillers #DanielSilva #sarahmaclean #lmmontgomery #robertbparker #karenrose #nalinisingh #dennislehane #bookstodon
A friend disliked #MikeLupica's use of #Spenser and #Hawk in his recent #SunnyRandall continuation novel #RobertBParker's REVENGE TOUR. My friend felt Spenser should stay in 1st person, that writing him in 3rd person demystified him. I see the continuation effort as different authors' perspectives on Parker's work. I'm open to views of the #characters Parker didn't give us.
#mikelupica #spenser #hawk #sunnyrandall #robertbparker #characters