Ran across a video about Robert Chambers' story collection The King In Yellow, and the fictitious play that could drive you mad. The more I think of it, that might have been as much of a prophecy about the Internet as Infinite Jest.
#Books, #Culture, #Horror, #ScienceFiction, #Lovecraft,
#addiction, #BlueOysterCult, #DavidFosterWallace, #delusion, #InfiniteJest, #KingInYellow, #reality, #RobertChambers
#books #culture #horror #sciencefiction #lovecraft #addiction #blueoystercult #davidfosterwallace #delusion #infinitejest #kinginyellow #reality #robertchambers
Loot from the #UsedBook sale at my local #library.
#TheForeverWar by Joe Haldeman
#FuzzyNation by John Scalzi
#ADarklingSea by James L. Cambias
3 Fantasy books by #MercedesLackey, who I've never read, but my wife recommends
2 Fantasy books by #SMSterling that I got explicitly because he thanked #RobertChambers and #TheKingInYellow in the acknowledgements.
A 1939 "Poetry and Prose for Enjoyment" Collection and a Spanish-English dictionary.
#usedbook #library #theforeverwar #fuzzynation #adarklingsea #MercedesLackey #smsterling #robertchambers #thekinginyellow #bookstodon
Wishing a Happy Auseil to those in the Territories who celebrate. (Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those that don’t.😉) May your holiday of remembrance be a delight.
#look west #lovat #roader #waldobell #creepy #spooky #animation #lovecraft #cosmichorror #lovecraftian #kinginyellow #robertchambers
#look #lovat #roader #waldobell #creepy #spooky #animation #lovecraft #cosmichorror #lovecraftian #kinginyellow #robertchambers
Wishing a Happy Auseil to those in the Territories who celebrate. (Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those that don’t.😉) May your holiday of Remembrance be a delight.
#look west #lovat #roader #waldobell #creepy #spooky #animation #lovecraft #cosmichorror #lovecraftian #kinginyellow #robertchambers
#look #lovat #roader #waldobell #creepy #spooky #animation #lovecraft #cosmichorror #lovecraftian #kinginyellow #robertchambers