I’ve been a big sci-fi and fantasy reader since my early teens.
I vividly remember reading Wings of a Falcon by #CynthiaVoigt. That was when I realized fantasy books were different.
My love of sci-fi I blame on The Revolving Boy by #GertrudeFriedberg and Z for Zachariah by #RobertCOBrien
#robertcobrien #gertrudefriedberg #cynthiavoigt
#7books to know me / #7libros para conocerme (No order / sin orden):
Dracula by #BramStoker (Dracula)
El Principito by #AntoineDeSaintExupéry (Le Petit Prince)
La historia interminable by #MichaelEnde (The Neverending Story)
El misterio de Salem’s Lot by #StephenKing (Salem’s Lot)
El último unicornio by #PeterSBeagle (The Last Unicorn)
El señor de los anillos by #JRRTolkien (The Lord of the Rings)
La señora Frisby y las ratas de Nimh by #RobertCOBrien (Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH)
#7books #7libros #bramstoker #antoinedesaintexupery #michaelende #stephenking #petersbeagle #jrrtolkien #robertcobrien