Höre den #CircularMetabolism-Podcast (zur Zeit my favorite) mit Robert Costanza: https://shows.acast.com/circularmetabolism/episodes/how-to-overcome-our-addiction-to-economic-growth-robert-cost. Exzellente Folge. Eine der klarsten knappen Darstellungen der Abhängigkeit vom Wachstum, die ich kenne. Bin gespannt auf Costanzas neues Buch "Addicted to Growth". #gdp #robertcostanza #postgrowth #planetaryboundaries
#circularmetabolism #gdp #robertcostanza #PostGrowth #planetaryboundaries
Another Daly legacy is the University of Vermont's Gund Institute for Environment, founded in 1992 by Robert Costanza, a protoge of both Daly and ecologist H.T Odum, with Joshua Farley, another Daly protoge) among its fellows:
(Farley is quoted in the Times obit.)
Costanza is now creating a similar organisation Portland State University.
#HermanDaly #Obituary #EcologicalEconomics #Economics #CASSE #LimitsToGrowth #Growth #Books #RobertCostanza #JoshuaFarley
#HermanDaly #obituary #ecologicaleconomics #economics #casse #limitstogrowth #growth #books #robertcostanza #joshuafarley