I knew Scorcese's "New York, New York" wasn't thought of as one of his best movies, but I did not know it was 3 hours long. It has good parts, but doesn't really hold together as a whole. I dunno if Bob De Niro was right, or believable, in the role as an abusive philandering musician, though nice to see him pretending to play a vintage Conn tenor, instead of the usual Selmer...
#NowShowing #NewYorkNewYork #RobertDeNiro #MartinSckrcese #LizaMinelli
#nowshowing #newyorknewyork #robertdeniro #martinsckrcese #lizaminelli
🎞️ Un film e più al giorno 640.
Sleepers (1996) di Barry Levinson.
#unfilmalgiorno #sleepers #barrylevison #robertdeniro #dustinhoffman #vittoriogassman #bradpitt #kevinbacon #unocinema #cinema #cinéma #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
#unfilmalgiorno #sleepers #barrylevison #robertdeniro #dustinhoffman #VittorioGassman #bradpitt #kevinbacon #unocinema #cinema #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
Una foto dell'ANSA magnifica. Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro e Vittorio Gassman insieme nel 1996 per presentare a Venezia il film Sleepers.
#dustinhoffman #robertdeniro #vittoriogassman #sleepers #venezia #biennale #unocinema #cinema #cinéma #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
#dustinhoffman #robertdeniro #VittorioGassman #sleepers #venezia #Biennale #unocinema #cinema #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
I just watched The Mission (Roland Joffé, 1986) and rated it 4/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheMission #RolandJoffé #RobertDeNiro #JeremyIrons
#jeremyirons #robertdeniro #rolandjoffe #themission #cinemastodon #cinema #films
#AppleOriginalFilms will now release #MartinScorsese's #KillersOfTheFlowerMoon globally in theaters on October 20. The film which is sure to draw awards attention stars #LeonardoDiCaprio, #RobertDeNiro and #LilyGladstone. #movies
#appleoriginalfilms #martinscorsese #killersoftheflowermoon #leonardodicaprio #robertdeniro #lilygladstone #movies
📺 Ce soir à la TV :
à 21h sur ARTE
Heat (1995) de Michael Mann
On ne peut qu’être admiratif devant pareil film, l’un des + mythiques films de braquage des 90's.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/heat/critique/18289534
#MichaelMann #AlPacino #RobertDeNiro #ValKilmer #TomSizemore #TedLevine #WilliamFichtner #AshleyJudd #JonVoight #DannyTrejo #Cinema
#michaelmann #alpacino #robertdeniro #valkilmer #tomsizemore #tedlevine #williamfichtner #ashleyjudd #jonvoight #dannytrejo #cinema
Gestern "endlich" zum ersten Mal geschaut: #Heat - der #Film mit #RobertDeNiro und #AlPacino.
Filmisch und inhaltlich sehr enttäuschend. Aneinander gepappte Szenen, unmotivierte bzw. nicht nachvollziehbare Aktionen, Logik-Schwächen, viel Personal in einer lahm und langatmig inszenierten Story, keine Aha-Momente.
Schade, dass man das Potential nicht genutzt hat.
#heat #film #robertdeniro #AlPacino
#Filmfest 907 #Cinema #Casino #MartinScorsese #RobertDeNiro #Film #Movies #MovingPictures #Classics #LasVegas #DGR #Top250
Casino (USA 1995) #Filmfest 907 #Top250 #DGR
#filmfest #cinema #casino #martinscorsese #robertdeniro #film #movies #movingpictures #classics #lasvegas #dgr #top250
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sam Asghari Asks Press To Be 'Kind' and 'Thoughtful' Amid Britney Spears Divorce https://jezebel.com/sam-asghari-asks-press-to-be-kind-and-thoughtful-amid-b-1850751094 #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #jeremyallenwhite #pamelaanderson #lisavanderpump #britneyspears #humaninterest #robertdeniro #andrewcuomo #calvinklein #alecbaldwin #samasghari #alexademie #nealhersh #asghari #britney #aritzia #tmz
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #jeremyallenwhite #pamelaanderson #lisavanderpump #britneyspears #humaninterest #robertdeniro #andrewcuomo #calvinklein #alecbaldwin #samasghari #alexademie #nealhersh #asghari #Britney #aritzia #tmz
Auguri a #RobertDeNiro. Uno dei suoi film a cui sono più legato è #GliUltimiFuochi in cui, in pochi secondi, spiega la magia del cinema.
#robertdeniro #gliultimifuochi #cinemastodon
Happy 80th Birthday, Robert DeNiro!
#HappyBirthday #RobertDeNiro
#Goodfellas #TheGodfather #Heat #TaxiDriver #Casino #RagingBull #Ronin #MidnightRun
#happybirthday #robertdeniro #otd #goodfellas #thegodfather #heat #taxidriver #casino #ragingbull #ronin #midnightrun
Ottant'anni di Robert De Niro, ma le sue interpretazioni son già immortali.
#robertdeniro #bobdeniro #deniro #thegoodfather #ilpadrino #taxidriver #novecento #RagingBull #Toroscatenato #thedeerhunter #ilcacciatore #thegoodfellas #queibraviragazzi #theuntouchables #gliintoccabili #capefear #UnoCinema #cinema #cinéma #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
#robertdeniro #bobdeniro #deniro #thegoodfather #Ilpadrino #taxidriver #novecento #ragingbull #toroscatenato #thedeerhunter #ilcacciatore #TheGoodfellas #queibraviragazzi #theuntouchables #gliintoccabili #capefear #unocinema #cinema #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
Alles Gute zum 80. Geburtstag, Robert De Niro!
Das kann man noch einmal sagen: Fuck #Trump! #RobertDeNiro
“Io ho sempre sentito il bisogno di avere uno scopo nella vita non credo che uno possa dedicarsi solo a se stesso, al proprio benessere. Secondo me uno dove cercare di avvicinarsi alle altre persone”
Compie 80 anni #RobertDeNiro fra i divi di Hollywood. Si fece conoscere in Mean Streets, esplose ne Il Padrino II e in Taxi driver. Memorabile in "C'era una volta in America", "Il cacciatore" e "Quei bravi ragazzi".
Due premi Oscar e due Golden.
#robertdeniro #ilbortoneficio #17agosto
As Robert De Niro turns 80, fans await his latest role
#actor #movies #filmlegend #martinscorsese #robertdeniro
Ein Gigant des amerikanischen Films:
Robert De Niro wird heute 80 Jahre alt
In «Taxi Driver» führte er ein legendäres Selbstgespräch vor dem Spiegel, in «The Godfather Part II» ging der New Yorker über Leichen.
Robert De Niro prägte jahrzehntelang das Hollywoodkino. Heute legt er sich mit Trump an. Und überrascht mit seiner siebten Vaterschaft.
Buon compleanno a Robert De Niro, nato il 17 agosto 1943.
#17agosto #accaddeoggi #UnoCinema #robertdeniro #attore #actor #cinema #movie #film #novecento #filmcommunity
#17agosto #accaddeoggi #unocinema #robertdeniro #attore #actor #cinema #movie #film #novecento #filmcommunity
#Filmfest 893 #NewYorkNewYork #NewYorkCity #NYC #Cinema #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #RobertDeNiro #LizaMinelli #MartinScorses #Musical #Revival #MGM
New York, New York (USA 1977) #Filmfest 893
#filmfest #newyorknewyork #newyorkcity #nyc #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #robertdeniro #lizaminelli #martinscorses #musical #revival #mgm