Didn't they try to label ex-Labour leader, #NigelFarage, as anti-semitic to kill his chances of getting the top job?
Pretty sure #RFK is not in any way #antiSemitic in anyway.
#nigelfarage #rfk #antisemitic #frkjr #robertfkennedy #narratives #forcedNews
The Truth Finally Comes Out: The #CIA’s Secret Role in the #RobertFKennedy Assassination (Video) - #secretrole, #RobertFKennedyAssassination -
#cia #robertfkennedy #secretrole #RobertFKennedyAssassination
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: JFK's Grandson Hates His Cousin, RFK Jr., Even More Than He Hates Restaurants https://jezebel.com/jfks-grandson-hates-his-cousin-rfk-jr-even-more-than-1850663739 #Jezebel #robertfkennedyjr #jackschlossberg #robertfkennedy #bobbykennedyjr #kennedyfamily #bouvierfamily #humaninterest #johnfkennedy #donaldtrump #schlossberg #joebiden #camelot
#jezebel #robertfkennedyjr #jackschlossberg #robertfkennedy #bobbykennedyjr #kennedyfamily #bouvierfamily #humaninterest #johnfkennedy #donaldtrump #schlossberg #joebiden #Camelot
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: JFK's Grandson Hates His Cousin, RFK Jr., Even More Than He Hates Restaurants https://jezebel.com/jfks-grandson-hates-his-cousin-rfk-jr-even-more-than-1850663739 #Jezebel #robertfkennedyjr #jackschlossberg #robertfkennedy #bobbykennedyjr #kennedyfamily #bouvierfamily #humaninterest #johnfkennedy #donaldtrump #schlossberg #joebiden #camelot
#jezebel #robertfkennedyjr #jackschlossberg #robertfkennedy #bobbykennedyjr #kennedyfamily #bouvierfamily #humaninterest #johnfkennedy #donaldtrump #schlossberg #joebiden #Camelot
The Onion: RFK Jr.’s Most Outrageous Remarks https://www.theonion.com/rfk-jr-s-most-outrageous-remarks-1850656814 #culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
#culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
The Onion: RFK Jr.’s Most Outrageous Remarks https://www.theonion.com/rfk-jr-s-most-outrageous-remarks-1850656814 #culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
#culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: RFK Jr.'s Sister Condemns His Comments That Covid Was 'Targeted': 'Deplorable' https://jezebel.com/rfk-jr-s-sister-condemns-his-comments-that-covid-was-ta-1850649056 #Jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #911conspiracytheories #vaccinehesitancy #conspiracytheory #robertfkennedyjr #antisemitictrope #robertfkennedy #pseudohistory #kevinmccarthy #kerrykennedy #socialissues #megynkelly #hiskennedy #politics #trumpism #fakenews #qanon #rt
#jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #911conspiracytheories #vaccinehesitancy #conspiracytheory #robertfkennedyjr #antisemitictrope #robertfkennedy #pseudohistory #kevinmccarthy #kerrykennedy #socialissues #megynkelly #hiskennedy #politics #trumpism #fakenews #qanon #RT
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. verspreidt antisemitische complottheorieën
De New York Post heeft een video opgeduikeld waarin beroepswappie en Democratische(!) presidentskandidaat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. beweert dat Covid een door de Chinezen gefabriceerd biowapen is dat specifiek ontwikkeld is om Asjkenazische Joden en Aziatische mensen te ontzien.
#robertfkennedy #asianophobia #antisemitisme
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Donor Gala Turned Into ‘Farting War’ Over Climate Change https://jezebel.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-donor-gala-turned-into-farting-w-1850636158 #Jezebel #climatechangedenial #robertfkennedyjr #robertfkennedy #humaninterest #anthonyhaden #dougdechert #environment #stevebannon #jackdorsey #dechert #fart #jr
#jezebel #climatechangedenial #robertfkennedyjr #robertfkennedy #humaninterest #anthonyhaden #dougdechert #environment #stevebannon #JackDorsey #dechert #fart #jr
2) To me #RFK #RobertFKennedy 's voice and way of speaking sounds to me like he has a health issue such as #Parkinsons or something like that. Listen for yourself https://pca.st/episode/7756ac81-4654-46c7-9a3f-c1bc0f828435?t=819
Does anyone know if RFK has a health issue?
#RFK #robertfkennedy #parkinsons
So you know how #PaulGosar won't admit that he has Parkinson's or some other neurodegenerative disease even though the manifestations are apparent to anyone who watches him talk and move? Well I just listened to this @onthemedia podcast with interviews with #RFK #RobertFKennedy and I want to know why his voice sounds like it does.
#paulgosar #RFK #robertfkennedy
#DennisKucinich: US’ Foreign Policy Madness Will END When #RobertFKennedy Jr. Is President
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy’s campaign manager and former Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
#robertfkennedy #denniskucinich
So, has Russia found a new baby to back for 2024? It appears it may have.
#2024 #WhiteHouse2024 #USAElection2024 #RobertFKennedy
#whitehouse2024 #usaelection2024 #robertfkennedy
#JoeRogan podcast Episode 1999 with #RobertFKennedy #RobertFKennedyJr
#Vaccine #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Covid
#joerogan #robertfkennedy #robertfkennedyjr #vaccine #COVID19 #coronavirus #covid
55 years ago today we lost the greatest American leader of our lifetime. Our country might now be a better place had he not been gunned down by an assassin’s bullet.
“What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country…”
The board denied Sirhan parole
For a crime they could not ignore
Though he pleaded his case
Gavin said, "This place
Is where you'll remain forevermore
#sirhansirhan #parole #robertfkennedy #assassin #limerick #poetry
#sirhansirhan #parole #robertfkennedy #assassin #limerick #poetry
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Chris Pine Lays 'Spitgate' Drama to Rest: 'Harry Did Not Spit on Me' https://jezebel.com/chris-pine-lays-spitgate-drama-to-rest-harry-did-not-s-1850174162 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #thecannesfilmfestival #martinlutherking #robertfkennedy #humaninterest #johnfkennedy #harrystyles #oliviawilde #chrispines #chrispine #september #musicians #spitgate #darling #albums #speak #spit #pugh #me
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #thecannesfilmfestival #MartinLutherKing #robertfkennedy #humaninterest #johnfkennedy #harrystyles #oliviawilde #chrispines #chrispine #september #musicians #spitgate #darling #albums #speak #spit #pugh #me
Meghan Markle And Prince Harry To Receive Human Rights Award Days Ahead Of Explosive New Netflix Series | https://www.theroot.com/meghan-markle-and-prince-harry-to-receive-human-rights-1849860556 #americanpeopleofgermandescent #princeharry2cdukeofsussex #meghan2cduchessofsussex #entertainment2cculture #volodymyrzelensky #robertfkennedy #houseofwindsor #bankofamerica #brianmoynihan #protestantism #humaninterest #meghanmarkle #billrussell #harrymeghan #christians #frankbaker #hopegala #actors
#americanpeopleofgermandescent #princeharry2cdukeofsussex #meghan2cduchessofsussex #entertainment2cculture #volodymyrzelensky #robertfkennedy #houseofwindsor #bankofamerica #brianmoynihan #protestantism #humaninterest #meghanmarkle #billrussell #harrymeghan #christians #frankbaker #hopegala #actors
#RFK #RobertFKennedy #BornOnThisDay #CivilService #RipplesOfHope
Robert Francis Kennedy (Nov. 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968)
#rfk #robertfkennedy #bornonthisday #civilservice #ripplesofhope
November 20, 1925
"Every time we turn our heads when we see the #law flouted,when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes & ears to the corrupt because we're too busy or frightened, when we fail to speak up & speak out, we strike a blow against #freedom & decency & #Justice." - #RFK
#rfk #Justice #Freedom #law #robertfkennedy #bornonthisday