Former Executive Assistant Testifies in Biden Classified Documents Probe #HouseOversightCommittee #KathyChung #Biden #Pence #Trump #classifieddocuments #JackSmith #RobertHur #politicaliq #news #politics
#houseoversightcommittee #kathychung #biden #pence #trump #classifieddocuments #jacksmith #roberthur #politicaliq #News #politics Why The Double Standard?
The appointment of #RobertHur as #SpecialCounsel to investigate the Biden classified documents matter is another example of the extreme imbalance between Democrats and Republicans in the politics of national security and law enforcement.
The most glaring example of that imbalance: Every FBI director in history has been a Republican. Republican presidents nominate Republican FBI directors, and Democratic presidents nominate Republican FBI directors
Robert Hur was tapped to oversee the Russia probe
He was an aide in the Trump administration's robe
But he grappled with tensions, a special counsel's real test
Now he guides Biden and knows his task's zest
#roberthur #russia #specialcounsel # #poetry
#poetry #roberthur #russia #specialcounsel
#politics #uspol #Garland #RobertHur
The Garland bashers whining about the Robert Hur appointment should know that this is AWESOME FOR BIDEN.
This means he NEVER needs to be on defensive at pressers, because all he has to say is "The Special Counsel will determine if there was any wrong doing or negligence and I will fully cooperate"
#politics #uspol #garland #roberthur
Who is #RobertHur, the special counsel overseeing the #Biden document probe (via CNN) ๐๐ผ #politics #USA
#roberthur #biden #politics #usa
"I looked at the 2017-2020 period, a four-year window.
And among the ten firms that gave the most money in raw dollars to Republican outlets"๐๐ผ
White & Case $966,401
Kirkland $822,685
Proskauer $697,230
Gibson Dunn $468,283
Besides being (ugh) #RodRosenstein 's deputy during Russia investigation #RobertHur works for Gibson Dunn
Do w/ it wht u may...but in light of #2 Kirkland Ellis' s questionable "loaning" of their ppl to protect Trump; it bears a mention
Well, sh*t...#RobertHur - (Garlands' newly appointed Special Counsel to investigate the Biden docs)....
was none other than "I'll land the plane, Mr. President" ratf*k #RodRosentein 's deputy at DOJ during the Mueller investigation on Trump/Russia ties..... which, btw, Rosenstein severely limited in scope to make sure it did NOT include Trump's finances. FFS. ๐ฅ
#roberthur #rodrosentein #doj #MerrickGarland #specialcounsel