Zu Lebzeiten fast unbekannt, gilt er heute als einer der wichtigsten Blues-Musiker überhaupt: Zu seinem 85. Todestag erinnern wir an Robert Johnson. Wer war der Mensch, der die Blues-Musik wie wenig andere beeinflusst hat und seine Seele dem Teufel verkauft haben soll?
#Blues #DeltaBlues #GilScottHeron #MeAndTheDevil #RobertJohnson #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#blues #deltablues #gilscottheron #meandthedevil #robertjohnson #popfilterdersongdestages
Here's a Daily Record from the back catalog if you're in a blues kinda mood https://www.auditorymusings.net/the-complete-recordings-centennial-collection-by-robert-johnson/ #music #DailyRecords #RobertJohnson #blues
#blues #robertjohnson #dailyrecords #Music
#robertjohnson #cultura #blues
Robert Johnson, pioneiro dos blues, sempre foi um dos maiores enigmas da música americana: agora é também uma história de fantasmas.
#robertjohnson #cultura #blues
Staff pick:
Two very different #fonts, used together on the poster for an event by record labels Whities and Die Orakel at Offenbach’s techno club #RobertJohnson in 2018.
Design by Alex McCullough, art director of Whities (since 2020: AD 93), using Dinamo’s then yet unreleased ABC Oracle and Strassburg Fraktur, Peter Wiegel’s digitization of an engraved alphabet from 1788.
#fonts #robertjohnson #fontsinuse #typefaces #typography
Here is the post where I borrowed your quote.
Ted Tocks Covers
The Top 3 Posts for May
Featuring songs by #RobertJohnson, #EltonJohn, #BernieTaupin and #TheKinks along with some bonus offerings from #GordonLightfoot,#TinaTurner and many, many more.
#robertjohnson #eltonjohn #bernietaupin #thekinks #gordonlightfoot #tinaturner
Ted Tocks Covers
The Top 3 Posts for May
Featuring songs by #RobertJohnson, #EltonJohn, #BernieTaupin and #TheKinks along with some bonus offerings from #GordonLightfoot,#TinaTurner and many, many more.
#robertjohnson #eltonjohn #bernietaupin #thekinks #gordonlightfoot #tinaturner
Robert Johnson: Hellhound on my trail
#mastodisco #robertjohnson #hellhoundonmytrail
en soul, maar ook op de rock muziek en vooral Heavy Metal.
Vanaf 1975 vormt Bootsy een band rond zich, #TheHornyHorns - #RobertJohnson - #ThePacemakers, en noemt deze #BootsysRubberBand.
Het debuut is meteen een succes en een mijlpaal binnen de Pfunk en ook de R&B.
In 1980 gaat hij volledig solo, als #BootsysSweatband, en produceert nu ook artiesten waaronder de band #Zapp.
Bootzilla zal over de grenzen van het funkgenre samenwerken met artiesten, waaronder #Deeelite en #FatboySlim.
#thehornyhorns #robertjohnson #thepacemakers #bootsysrubberband #bootsyssweatband #zapp #deeelite #fatboyslim
🎶 Currently playing: Robert Johnson - The Complete Collection #music #album #RobertJohnson #Blues #DeltaBlues #vinyl #record
#record #vinyl #deltablues #blues #robertjohnson #album #music
Engrossing investigation, story & writing about #RobertJohnson 's biographer, and about the musician himself, kinda.
#music #texasmonthly #blues #bluesmusic #Houston #texas #longread
#robertjohnson #music #texasmonthly #blues #bluesmusic #houston #texas #longread
Today is a fine day to listen to Robert Johnson.
#rhythmandblues #blues #robertjohnson #NowPlaying
Ted Tocks Covers
Top Three Posts for February...
...Plus a few bonuses, featuring #NeilDiamond, #BarbraStreisand, #PearlJam, #OzzyOsbourne, #BlindMelon, #Queensryche and #RobertJohnson.
#neildiamond #barbrastreisand #pearljam #ozzyosbourne #blindmelon #queensryche #robertjohnson
I pre-ordered Mack McCormick's long-awaited Robert Johnson book, "Biography of a Phantom." Can't wait!
All the myth and mystery surrounding Bluesman Robert Johnson is so interesting to me https://tedgioia.substack.com/p/the-real-story-of-blues-legend-robert #music #blues #RobertJohnson
Ted Tocks Covers - Year 6 - Day 15
Hellhound on My Trail
A #RobertJohnson song that takes us back over 85 years. On this day 55 years ago the original #FleetwoodMac included it on their self-titled debut album.
"I got to keep movin', I got to keep movin'
Blues fallin' down like hail, blues fallin' down like hail
Hmm-mmm, blues fallin' down like hail, blues fallin' down like hail
“The most common reason people made a deal with the Devil, according to these accounts, was the desire to play a musical instrument.”
i don't believe in "the Devil" per se, but i understand...
#music #blues #bluesmusic #RobertJohnson #RIPALX #gtrxela #longread #longform via #TheBrowser
#music #blues #bluesmusic #robertjohnson #ripalx #gtrxela #longread #longform #thebrowser
Weekplaatje 7/2023
#Lijstjes #Weekplaatje #PeterGreenSplinterGroup #RobertJohnson
#lijstjes #weekplaatje #petergreensplintergroup #robertjohnson