The Daughter of the Night walks the land in this week’s Wheel of Time - Enlarge / Moiraine's on the hunt. (credit: Amazon Studios)
And... - #brandonsanderson #amazonstudios #robertjordan #wheeloftime #culture #tvrecap #amazon #review #tv
#tv #review #amazon #tvrecap #culture #wheeloftime #robertjordan #amazonstudios #brandonsanderson
Ars Technica: The Daughter of the Night walks the land in this week’s Wheel of Time #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #brandonsanderson #AmazonStudios #robertjordan #wheeloftime #Culture #tvrecap #Amazon #review #TV
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #brandonsanderson #amazonstudios #robertjordan #wheeloftime #Culture #tvrecap #amazon #review #TV
Gizmodo: Wheel of Time's Production Designer on Creating a Future That Looks Like the Past #thewheeloftime #ondrejnekvasil #robertjordan #rosamundpike #wheeloftime #moiraine #alanna
#thewheeloftime #ondrejnekvasil #robertjordan #rosamundpike #wheeloftime #moiraine #alanna
Gizmodo: Wheel of Time Directors and Producers on the Show's Big New Season #entertainmentculture #scarlettmackmin #holgerreibiger #rosamundpike #robertjordan #thomasnapper #sanaahamrie #rafejudkins #hamri
#entertainmentculture #scarlettmackmin #holgerreibiger #rosamundpike #robertjordan #thomasnapper #sanaahamrie #rafejudkins #hamri
Gizmodo: Wheel of Time's Make-Up and Costume Designers Explain Season 2's Most Menacing Outfits #thewheeloftime #karimamcadams #nineinchnails #davinalamont #sharongilham #robertjordan #thomasnapper #wheeloftime
#thewheeloftime #karimamcadams #nineinchnails #davinalamont #sharongilham #robertjordan #thomasnapper #wheeloftime
Ars Technica: Two book readers recap a very non-book-ish Wheel of Time season 2 premiere #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #brandonsanderson #AmazonStudios #robertjordan #wheeloftime #tvrecap #Gaming #Amazon #review #TV
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #brandonsanderson #amazonstudios #robertjordan #wheeloftime #tvrecap #Gaming #amazon #review #TV
In one hour season 2 of the #WheelOfTime starts on Prime. It made me revisit the books and read and finish Robert Jordan: The Wheel of Time, Book 12: The Gathering Storm / next is Book 13: Towers of Midnight. / #RobertJordan #bookstodon @buchstodon @bookstodon #Fantasy #Fantasyromane
#wheeloftime #robertjordan #bookstodon #fantasy #fantasyromane
Gizmodo: The Wheel of Time Returns and Finds Darkness Creeping In #theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thefiresofheaven #madeleinemadden #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #robertjordan #rosamundpike #danielhenney #animashaun #barneyfinn #faresfares #zoerobins #herwarder #liandrin #moiraine #valere #perrin #sedai #verin #5
#theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thefiresofheaven #madeleinemadden #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #robertjordan #rosamundpike #danielhenney #animashaun #barneyfinn #faresfares #zoerobins #herwarder #liandrin #moiraine #valere #perrin #sedai #verin
Gizmodo: Everything to Remember About Wheel of Time Ahead of Season 2 #theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #thefiresofheaven #brandonsanderson #hammedanimashaun #theeyeoftheworld #thedragonreborn #attheedgeoftime #thewheeloftime #georgerrmartin #katefleetwood #sophieokonedo #dragonreborn #robertjordan #danielhenney #rosamundpike #thegreathunt #barneyharris #wheeloftime #lordofchaos #jrrtolkien
#theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #thefiresofheaven #brandonsanderson #hammedanimashaun #theeyeoftheworld #thedragonreborn #attheedgeoftime #thewheeloftime #georgerrmartin #katefleetwood #sophieokonedo #dragonreborn #robertjordan #danielhenney #rosamundpike #thegreathunt #barneyharris #wheeloftime #lordofchaos #jrrtolkien
Filmy i seriale:
»Drugi sezon serialu „Koło czasu”«
Na pierwszego września Amazon zapowiedział premierę drugiego sezonu serialu "Koło Czasu" na podstawie serii powieści Roberta Jordana:
#fahrenheit_zin #serial #robertjordan #amazon #koloczasu
Gizmodo: Wheel of Time Season 2 Reveals a Mystical First Trailer #marcusrutherford #moirainedamodred #theeyeoftheworld #madeleinemadden #joshastradowski #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #lanmandragoran #acrownofswords #nynaevealeara #elaynetrakand #thegreathunt #robertjordan #perrinaybara #danielhenney #rosamundpike #cearacoveney #wheeloftime #matcauthon #zoerobins #egweneal #elayne #rand #finn
#marcusrutherford #moirainedamodred #theeyeoftheworld #madeleinemadden #joshastradowski #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #lanmandragoran #acrownofswords #nynaevealeara #elaynetrakand #thegreathunt #robertjordan #perrinaybara #danielhenney #rosamundpike #cearacoveney #wheeloftime #matcauthon #zoerobins #egweneal #elayne #rand #finn
#PrimeVideo reveló el primer póster oficial de la segunda temporada de #LaRuedaDelTiempo.
La aclamada serie de fantasía, basada en la serie bestseller de novelas de #RobertJordan, se estrenará el 1° de septiembre!
#primevideo #laruedadeltiempo #robertjordan #thewheeloftime #primevideolat #primevideomx
Just hurtled through the last 300 pages of #WheelOfTime book 6 Lord of Chaos in just a day or so. Exciting stuff! Something big happened that I honestly expected to happen sooner. And a big dramatic ending. Looking forward to the rest of the series, with 8 main books left to read. Relieved to have got past the recent splurge of 1000-page long novels in the series, which honestly felt like a bit much length wise. #WoT #reading #books #fiction #fantasy #RobertJordan #EpicFantasy
#epicfantasy #robertjordan #fantasy #fiction #books #reading #wot #wheeloftime
Paluu Ajan Pyörän pariin taas pitkän tauon jälkeen. Sitkeä projekti, mutta kun on päässyt näinkin pitkälle (kirja 22) niin ei voi antaa periksi. Jos ja kun saan urakan läpi, niin sitten on aika miettiä kannattiko 😅#Kirjat #KirjaMastodon #AjanPyörä #RobertJordan #lukuurakka
#lukuurakka #robertjordan #ajanpyora #kirjamastodon #kirjat
New Wheel of Time reading strategy #books #reading #fantasy #WheelOfTime #WoT #RobertJordan
#robertjordan #wot #wheeloftime #fantasy #reading #books