"Everlasting Love" is a song written by #BuzzCason and #MacGayden, originally a 1967 hit for #RobertKnight and since remade numerous times, most successfully by #LoveAffair, as well as #TownCriers, #RexSmith & #RachelSweet, #CarlCarlton, #SandraCretu, and #GloriaEstefan. The original version of "Everlasting Love" was recorded by Knight in Nashville, with Cason and Gayden aiming to produce it in a #Motown style reminiscent of the #FourTops and #theTemptations.
#buzzcason #macgayden #robertknight #loveaffair #towncriers #rexsmith #rachelsweet #carlcarlton #sandracretu #gloriaestefan #motown #fourtops #thetemptations
#Memories from the UK Charts for #1974
Robert Knight - Everlasting Love
(8 weeks in chart peaking at No. 19)
#Music #MusicHistory #MusicVideo #70s #Seventies
#memories #music #musichistory #musicvideo #70s #seventies #robertknight
#Memories from the UK Charts for #1973
Robert Knight - Love on a Mountain Top
(16 weeks in chart peaking at No. 10)
#Music #MusicHistory #MusicVideo #70s #Seventies
#memories #music #musichistory #musicvideo #70s #seventies #robertknight