Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
39917 followers · 37406 posts · Server

In his editorial, "What Comes After Neoliberalism?", declares "we’ve just about won the battle of ideas. Reality has been a helpful ally...Neoliberalism has been a splendid success for the top 1 percent, and an abject failure for everyone else":


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#AmericanProspect #robertkuttner

Last updated 2 years ago

James St. Andre · @StAndre
61 followers · 56 posts · Server

Quote of the day “Corporations, though creations of the democratic state, are said by neoliberal theorists to have no reciprocal responsibility to communities or employees, only to shareholders.”

Robert Kuttner, “Fee Markets, Besieged Citizens” NYRB vol 69, no12 (21 July 2022),p12

#socialresponsibility #community #neoliberalism #robertkuttner #freemarkets #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago