“The one common note of all this country is the haunting presence of the ocean. A great faint sound of breakers follows you high up into the inland cañons; the roar of water dwells in the clean, empty rooms of Monterey as in a shell upon the chimney; go where you will, you have but to pause and listen to hear the voice of the Pacific.”
—Robert Louis Stevenson, “The Old Pacific Capital”, via @gutenberg_org
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #Monterey
#monterey #robertlouisstevenson #literature #scottish
At the very end of August 1879, Robert Louis Stevenson arrived sick, exhausted, & almost penniless in California. We may well owe the existence of much of Stevenson’s work to the kindly (not to say life-saving) intervention of two Californian goat-ranchers …
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #19thCentury #Monterey #California
#california #monterey #19thcentury #robertlouisstevenson #literature #scottish
On a New Form of Intermittent Light for Lighthouses
“One advantage of the method that I propose is this, that while we are able to produce a plain intermittent light; an intermittent light of variable period, ranging from a brief flash to a steady illumination of half the revolution…”
One of Stevenson’s lesser-known publications, submitted to the Board of Northern Lights, 1870
#Scottish #literature #19thcentury #lighthouse #engineering
#engineering #lighthouse #19thcentury #literature #scottish #robertlouisstevenson
Say not of me that weakly I declined
The labours of my sires, and fled the sea,
The towers we founded and the lamps we lit…
—Robert Louis Stevenson’s apologia for deserting the family business of lighthouse-building
#Scottish #literature #19thcentury #poetry #lighthouse #engineering #RobertLouisStevenson
#robertlouisstevenson #engineering #lighthouse #poetry #19thcentury #literature #scottish
O Tusitala: Tellers of Tales
Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, 20–27 Aug 2023
This new one-person play by Samoan writer Sia Figiel tells, through the voices of never-before-heard indigenous characters, the extraordinary story of Robert Louis Stevenson’s household in 1890s Samoa
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #19thcentury #colonialism #postcolonial #drama
#drama #postcolonial #colonialism #19thcentury #robertlouisstevenson #literature #scottish
Can't stop the #BookWeek at https://www.twitch.tv/chilliteracy
Tonight Sam's back with some Year One favourites! We've got Dickens, Stevenson, Middleton, Nesbitt, and maybe more if there's time? Come and find a new story to love!
#Audiobook #ReadingAloud #TheSignalMan #CharlesDickens #TheBodySnatcher #RobertLouisStevenson #ManSizeInMarble #EdithNesbitt #TheGhostShip #RichardMiddleton #cozy
#bookweek #audiobook #readingaloud #thesignalman #charlesdickens #thebodysnatcher #robertlouisstevenson #mansizeinmarble #edithnesbitt #theghostship #richardmiddleton #cozy
“Idleness so called, which does not consist in doing nothing, but in doing a great deal not recognised in the dogmatic formularies of the ruling class, has as good a right to state its position as industry itself.”
—Robert Louis Stevenson, “An Apology for Idlers” – available online via @gutenberg_org
#Scottish #literature #19thcentury #RobertLouisStevenson #RLS #NationalLazyDay
#nationallazyday #rls #robertlouisstevenson #19thcentury #literature #scottish
“the war game was constantly improved and elaborated, until from a few hours ‘war’ took weeks to play, and the critical operations in the attic monopolized half our thoughts.”
—from “Stevenson at Play”, by Lloyd Osbourne. Scribner’s Magazine, December 1898
#RobertLouisStevenson & #wargames
#Scottish #literature #19thcentury #games #boardgames #toysoldiers
Read the article online here:
#toysoldiers #boardgames #games #19thcentury #literature #scottish #wargames #robertlouisstevenson
“I have often thought that to find a family to compare with ours in the promise of immortal memory, we must go back to the Egyptian Pharaohs: upon so many reefs and forelands that not very elegant name of Stevenson is engraved with a pen of iron upon granite.”
—From MEMOIRS OF HIMSELF (privately published, Philadelphia 1912) – available online via the Hathi Trust
#Scottish #literature #Victorian #19thcentury #memoir #autobiography #RobertLouisStevenson
#robertlouisstevenson #autobiography #memoir #19thcentury #victorian #literature #scottish
Robert Louis Stevenson & 19th-Century French Literature
Dr Kate Ashley shows how #France contributed to the evolution of Stevenson’s art, & how #RobertLouisStevenson became a model of artistic innovation in France
#Scottish #French #FrancoScottish #literature for #BastilleDay 🇫🇷🏴
#bastilleday #literature #francoscottish #french #scottish #robertlouisstevenson #france
“a wayward, inconsequential journey and a strange love affair (with a donkey)”
Robert McCrum picks Robert Louis Stevenson’s Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes as one of the 100 best nonfiction books
#Scottish #FrancoScottish #literature for #BastilleDay 🇫🇷🏴
#robertlouisstevenson #bastilleday #literature #francoscottish #scottish
STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL & MR HYDE premieres at #Edinburgh International Film Festival
This feature #film #adaptation by Hope Dickson Leach & Vlad Butucea will receive its world premiere on 21 Aug & will be broadcast on Sky Arts later this year
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #RLS #JekyllandHyde #cinema
#cinema #JekyllandHyde #rls #robertlouisstevenson #literature #scottish #adaptation #film #edinburgh
Useless quote for 6 July:
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life."
~ Robert Louis Stevenson, 1882
#uselessquote #robertlouisstevenson
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde, de Robert Louis Stevenson
"En 1886, mucho antes de que Sigmund Freud definiera conceptos como ego y ello (id), Robert Louise Stevenson publicó una novela de corte gótico, El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde, en la que indagaba en la doble personalidad y en los conflictos internos que arrastramos todos los seres humanos."
#zenda #drjekyllmrhyde #robertlouisstevenson
Disfigurement & #disability in #Gothic #literature: Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Jen Campbell examines how #19thcentury beliefs about disability, physical appearance & character are presented in Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
#robertlouisstevenson #scottish #19thcentury #literature #gothic #disability
CFP: Intertextual Stevenson
RLS2024 – Ruhr University Bochum, 27–29 June 2024
Exploring how #RobertLouisStevenson used, adopted & responded to texts by other writers, & how other writers used, adopted & responded to texts by him. The term text will be interpreted broadly & papers on #film, #graphicnovels etc. will be welcome.
#CFP #Scottish #literature #conference #19thCentury #20thCentury
#20thcentury #19thcentury #conference #literature #scottish #cfp #graphicnovels #film #robertlouisstevenson
Non chiedo ricchezze, né speranze, né amore, né un amico che mi comprenda; tutto quello che chiedo è il cielo sopra di me e una strada ai miei piedi.
– Robert Louis Stevenson
#robertlouisstevenson #strada #quoteoftheday #30aprile
Trigésimo primer episodio de la primera temporada de FICCIÓPATAS.
Hoy destripamos «El diablo de la botella» de Robert Louis Stevenson, uno de los relatos más icónicos del autor escocés. Estamos ante el autor de «La isla del tesoro» y «El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde», entre muchas otras obras. En «El diablo de la botella» veremos el estilo propio del escritor y hablaremos sobre sus influencias y, por supuesto, sobre qué nos ha parecido el relato y cómo ha envejecido desde la primera vez que lo leímos, hace ya casi tres décadas. Todo esto, y más, en el episodio de hoy.
¿Conoces al autor? ¿Has leído algo de él? Háznoslo saber en los comentarios. 🧐
Podéis escuchar el Episodio 31 de Ficciópatas:
- en iVoox a través de este enlace https://go.ivoox.com/rf/106011576
- en YouTube en https://youtu.be/uxqnZfOzzEw
- o a través de https://linktr.ee/ficciopatas para el resto de plataformas.
En el siguiente episodio destriparemos: «Al borde del llanto» de Jean Ferry.
Gracias siempre por vuestro apoyo. ¡Feliz domingo! 😉🖖🏼
#ficciopatas #podcast #spanishwriters #victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #relatoscortos #bookstagram #bookstagramespaña #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #relatos #escribirficcion #youtube #saltoalaudiovisual #destripamosrelatos #relatosdeloinesperado #eldiablodelabotella #RobertLouisStevenson #RLStevenson #Thebottleimp #jeanferry #Elmaquinistayotroscuentos #albordedelllanto #anagrama #anagramacompendium #malpaso
#ficciopatas #podcast #spanishwriters #victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #relatoscortos #bookstagram #bookstagramespana #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #relatos #YouTube #saltoalaudiovisual #destripamosrelatos #relatosdeloinesperado #eldiablodelabotella #robertlouisstevenson #rlstevenson #thebottleimp #jeanferry #elmaquinistayotroscuentos #albordedelllanto #anagrama #anagramacompendium #malpaso
The cruelest lies are often told in silence.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
#lies #robertlouisstevenson #quotes #panorama #bot
Aquí un pequeño avance de lo que se viene este domingo en FICCIÓPATAS. Feliz miércoles.😉🖖🏼
#victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #siervosdelaguadaña #elartedemantenerseaflote #ficciopatas #ficciopataspodcast #podcasting #robertlouisstevenson #rlstevenson #thebottleimp #eldiablodelabotella #avancepodcast #trailer #avance #fedeerratas #destripandohistorias
#victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #siervosdelaguadana #elartedemantenerseaflote #ficciopatas #ficciopataspodcast #podcasting #robertlouisstevenson #rlstevenson #thebottleimp #eldiablodelabotella #avancepodcast #trailer #avance #fedeerratas #destripandohistorias