FORBES: The Dior Homme Sport Is Masculine, But Not Over Bearing
#RobertPattison is the face of the campaign and in images by photographer Mikael Jansson, he’s boxing. Capturing Pattinson’s tender masculinity makes the actor a type of ring hero himself. And, why not? He aced being The Batman.
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COLLIDER: Best on #hulu in February 2023
Water for Elephants, Francis Lawrence’s screen adaption of the novel by Sara Gruen, feels mythical and prescient, based in a traveling circus with evergreen social class segregation, tension, and erotic tendency. #ChristophWaltz will have you crawling in your skin, while #ReeseWitherspoon and #RobertPattison share a believable chemistry that will make you want to read the book.
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Watched the latest Batman flick last night (The Batman, 2022). Its run time of 168 min could have edited 30 mins from the first half as it was on the slow side.
The latter half was full-on action and I have to say Mr Pattison does a bang up job of the dark knight role. His mildly goth-indi Bruce Wayne persona contrasts well with the Brutal Bat and I'd certainly watch him in further outings.
The real surprise was Colin Farrell. Wow.
#thebatman #batmanfilm #robertpattison #colinfarrell