zeruch · @zeruch
298 followers · 3551 posts · Server mastodon.social

"In 1985 the first single from the then-newest iteration of Green Gartside‘s project hit the US...it was absolutely amazing, and utterly strange. A band that started as a leftist post-punk collective had turned into a core trio of sophisticated pop auteurs ...with a cadre of session all-stars (including Marcus Miller, , ...) and a style that at the time was just so outre it seemed surreal."


#ScrittiPolitti #robertquine #80s #greengartside

Last updated 2 years ago

Speed Paste Robot · @speedpasterobot
40 followers · 112 posts · Server mstdn.social

interviewer: what would you say about the time you played with Lou Reed?

QUINE: “Musically, the first week and a half was really great, out of the four years.

We did The Blue Mask. It's a record that I'm really proud of. There was no rehearsing, no overdubs, no punch-in's for mistakes.”

today is a good day to blast Waves Of Fear and revisit this Robert Quine interview furious.com/perfect/quine.html

#trusttheartnevertheartist #robertquine #loureed

Last updated 2 years ago