Sen. Whitehouse Asks Roberts To Do Something, Anything About Alito
#Whitehouse #Roberts #Alito #SupremeCourt #JudicialOversight #Accountability #Politics #News
#whitehouse #roberts #alito #supremecourt #judicialoversight #accountability #politics #news
L'allenatore dei portieri dei Wolves, Tony Roberts, è pronto a trasferirsi al Milan quest'estate, secondo quanto riportato da Football Insider.
#acmilan #milan #wolverhampton #roberts
#acmilan #milan #wolverhampton #roberts
@marcelias Helpful analysis #VotingRights #alabama #supremecourt #roberts #deception
#VotingRights #alabama #supremecourt #roberts #deception
Mr. #Roberts saying, "They're on #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) and I'm out here." #MalheurCounty, #Oregon. General caption number 73
#roberts #wpaworkprojectsadministration #malheurcounty #oregon
Kotaku: This Upcoming Pixel RPG May Be The Best Wrestling Game Of The Year #gaming #tech #kotaku #professionalwrestling #sportsentertainment #cornishwrestling #fantasywrestling #bryandanielson #randysavage #muchachoman #jeffjarrett #wrestling #brethart #gimmick #netflix #roberts #shoot #wwe2k #jake #rpg #wwe #of #mo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #professionalwrestling #sportsentertainment #cornishwrestling #fantasywrestling #bryandanielson #randysavage #muchachoman #jeffjarrett #wrestling #brethart #gimmick #netflix #roberts #shoot #wwe2k #jake #rpg #wwe #of #mo
Gizmodo: Silk Road Founder's Mentor Sentenced to 20 Years #klongpremcentralprison #varietyjonesandsmedley #rogerthomasclark #damianwilliams #bitcoinnetwork #varietyjones #rossulbricht #sidneyhstein #silkroad #ulbricht #lawcrime #darkweb #roberts #ulbrich #jones
#klongpremcentralprison #varietyjonesandsmedley #rogerthomasclark #damianwilliams #bitcoinnetwork #varietyjones #rossulbricht #sidneyhstein #silkroad #ulbricht #lawcrime #darkweb #roberts #ulbrich #jones
The John Roberts Two-Step
This, you might say, is the Roberts two-step. He takes racism, a system of subjugation and social control, and removes the racists. What’s left is the mark of racism, that is, race.
To remove racism and racists from the equation is to pretend that there’s no social force to push against — no inequality to rectify. Instead, there is only a quality, race, that Roberts says the Constitution cannot recognize.
Inexplicable: SCOTUS nominees always refuse to answer questions they say are "hypothetical."
But this session they not only granted cert, but actually handed down a ruling, based entirely on a hypothetical i.e. "If I were a web designer, and if a gay couple asked me to design a web site for them, would it, hypothetically, be okay to refuse?"
#scotus #roberts #robertscourt #supremecourt #hypocrisy
🥥 The radical righties on the #Roberts #SupremeCourt are rolling back rights so fast they may be surprised when when their own rights get removed. 🥥
The Supreme Court’s conservatives are doing exactly what they claim to detest One would be hard-pressed to find two phrases that more aptly describe the court's actions, than “judicial activism” and “legislating from the bench.”
#SupremeCourtConservatives #JudicialActivism #LegislatingFromTheBench #StudentLoans #Roberts #MSNBC #Politics #News
#supremecourtconservatives #judicialactivism #legislatingfromthebench #studentloans #roberts #msnbc #politics #news
🥥 It's time for the regressive #FederalistSociety fascists on the #Roberts court to take their places on the dustbin of history.
Toss them out! #TossThemOut 🥥
#federalistsociety #roberts #tossthemout
🥥 With this week's string of radical regressive rulings from the righties on the #Roberts #SupremeCourt is it too soon to start thinking about #RICO investigations into #LeonardLeo and the #FederalistSociety? Lock them up! 🥥
#roberts #supremecourt #rico #leonardleo #federalistsociety
Is this specific Supreme Court illegitimate?
In my opinion yes. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate made this specific court's 6 Republican members illegitimate. Here's why, McConnell:
- Blocked Obama's appointment of Merrick Garland
- Did not allow a proper hearing and vetting of Neil Gorsuch
- Blocked investigation of Brett Kavanaugh and rushed the hearing process
- Rushed the hearing of Amy Coney Barrett
- Allowed Amy Coney Barrett to have a hearing a Senate vote in spite of his argument used when blocking Merrick Garland
Regarding this specific court, here's why
- Several justices said or implied that Roe was settled law
- Several justices said or implied that the Supreme Court should not overrule a precedent
- Published and verified corruption of Clarence Thomas
- Published and verified corruption of Samuel Alito
- Clear ethics violations that would not be allowed of any other Federal judge
#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #McConnell #Gorsuch #Kavanaugh #Alito #Roberts
#scotus #supremecourt #McConnell #gorsuch #kavanaugh #alito #roberts
Say it with me:
Say it often.
Say it loudly.
#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #Justice #JudicialActivism
Fuck #Thomas
Fuck #Alito
Fuck #Roberts
Fuck #Kavanaugh
Fuck #ConeyBarrett
#iamdb #ConeyBarrett #kavanaugh #roberts #alito #thomas #judicialactivism #Justice #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS
@Teri_Kanefield All right, facts:
In 2025, barring death, "Justices" Thomas and Alito will still be corrupt AF and #SCOTUS will still be 6-3.
#Biden has nixed expanding the Court. I've seen no signal from him that he would if re-elected and given Congressional majorities.
#Roberts doesn't see a problem (Leo sees a successful project, though).
You have said people don't get this complex issue, so where's the pressure to expand coming from in 2025? Or what other "reform?"
John #Roberts: legacy of racism should not count in college admissions
Also John Roberts: Legacy of your grandpa going to Harvard before Jim Crow ended should be used for admission. Thanks white grandpa!
The blatant, willful greed, racism and perhaps affluenza driven ignorance, is almost as disqualifying as the $10m+ in bribes this pile of rancid road kill has lined his pockets with.
**** him and the racist mfer who appointed him.
The lack of #ethics and #integrity in the nation's highest court is shocking. The #Roberts court is now the least credible #SCOTUS in American #history. Something has to be done before it's too late.
#ethics #integrity #roberts #SCOTUS #history #alitocorruption