Bob Spindell is a busy guy. Not only is he a fake Wisconsin Elector and sits on the Wisconsin Election Commission, but looks like he played a role in the wasteful 2020 Wisconsin election “investigation”. #RobertSpindell #fakeelectors #Wisconsin #MichaelGableman #2020electioninvestigation #WisconsinElectionCommission
#wisconsinelectioncommission #2020electioninvestigation #MichaelGableman #wisconsin #fakeelectors #robertspindell
@toxtethogrady Spindell is the worst. He bragged about suppressing the vote in Milwaukee in the Nov.22 election #milwaukee #votersuppression #RobertSpindell
#robertspindell #votersuppression #milwaukee
#RobertSpindell BRAGGING in an email
#votersuppression of #voters of African and Latinx descent
#VotingRights activists and other sane people want election commissioner Spindell out!
#wellthoughtoutracistplaninwisconsin #robertspindell #votersuppression #voters #votingrights #fightback #USAShitShow
#GOPieceOfShit #racist #electioncommisioner #RobertSpindell in #Wisconsin brags about #votersuppression of #POCs, namely ´black' and ´brown' #voters
You have to see this ! 🤬
#GOPieceOfShit #racist #electioncommisioner #robertspindell #wisconsin #votersuppression #POCs #voters #USAShitShow
ICYMI: #News #RobertSpindell Dems: Remove Wisconsin election official for voting comments
#News #RobertSpindell Dems: Remove Wisconsin election official for voting comments