Yep, the same John Roberts with the grifter/headhunter wife and the very same guy who couldn't even recite the oath of office for Obama's inauguration. We can do better, indeed we must!
#notmySCOTUS #RobertsRulesofDisorderandGrift
#robertsrulesofdisorderandgrift #notmyscotus
"Neil ’40-Acres and a Fool’ Gorsuch" (h/t Mock, Paper, Scissors) is one of our Supreme Court Justices, so a person you would expect to be beyond reproach, unimpeachable (hold that thought), exemplary, pure as the driven snow even! Think again. He's a shameless crook, that fancies himself a super smart guy, when he's not even all that clever? Go figure.
#notmySCOTUS #RWNJ #MAGAt #illegitimateSCOTUS #RobertsRulesofDisorderandGrift #cheapcrooks
#cheapcrooks #robertsrulesofdisorderandgrift #IllegitimateSCOTUS #magat #rwnj #notmyscotus