Elizabeth Fraser joins The Veldt on new single 'Aurora Borealis' from unreleased album produced by Cocteau Twins' Robin Guthrie #CocteauTwins #ElizabethFraser #RobinGuthrie #TheVeldt
#theveldt #robinguthrie #elizabethfraser #cocteautwins
Elizabeth Fraser joins The Veldt on new single 'Aurora Borealis' from unreleased album produced by Cocteau Twins' Robin Guthrie #CocteauTwins #ElizabethFraser #RobinGuthrie #TheVeldt
#theveldt #robinguthrie #elizabethfraser #cocteautwins
Wow. This live version of Neil’s Theme from Mysterious Skin played live by #RobinGuthrie on #KEXP
On this day, January 4th, in 1962: Robin Guthrie was born in Grangemouth, Scotland.
Today’s soundtrack: Cocteau Twins, This Mortal Coil, his work with Harold Budd, & his stellar productions.
Today’s book club: Martin Aston’s “Facing the Other Way: The Story of 4AD”
Today’s quote: “Don't be precious about anything-much less a certain guitar sound. There is always another interesting sound or effect just waiting to be discovered.”
#otd #CocteauTwins #robinguthrie
Song of the Day no.17
Cocteau Twins - Heaven Or Las Vegas
"Heaven or Las Vegas" is a song by Scottish band Cocteau Twins. It was released by Capitol Records in October 1990 as the second single from the Heaven or Las Vegas album. The song has been described as dream pop
#SongOfTheDay #music #CocteauTwins #RobinGuthrie
#songoftheday #music #cocteautwins #robinguthrie #elizabethfraser
#ArthurRussell #JuanaMolina #Megapuss #Cranberries #TheCure #AliceColtrane #CigarettesAfterSex #Gravenhurst #PandaBear #CaféTacvba #CafeTacuba #DanielLanois #LauraMarling #LotusPlaza #Can #Neu #Acetone #RodrigoAmarante #TheTallestManOnEarth #BarkPsychosis #FruitBats #AldousHarding #AmenDunes #JohnMartyn #TalkTalk #TheChills #BertJansch #RobinGuthrie #LizFraser #CocoRosie #BritPop #KrautRock #AfroBeat
#arthurrussell #juanamolina #megapuss #cranberries #thecure #AliceColtrane #cigarettesaftersex #gravenhurst #pandabear #cafetacvba #cafetacuba #daniellanois #lauramarling #lotusplaza #can #neu #acetone #rodrigoamarante #thetallestmanonearth #barkpsychosis #fruitbats #aldousharding #amendunes #JohnMartyn #talktalk #thechills #bertjansch #robinguthrie #lizfraser #cocorosie #britpop #krautrock #afrobeat
Happy 36th Anniversary to #TheMoonAndTheMelodies
#HaroldBudd RIP #ElizabethFraser #RobinGuthrie #SimonRaymonde #4AD
#themoonandthemelodies #haroldbudd #elizabethfraser #robinguthrie #simonraymonde #4ad