@bsmall2 I may be duplicating posts but the book about moss is so wonderful I will take that risk. #BraidingSweetgrass is a great book but my favorite by #RobingWallKimmerer is #GatheringMoss partly because it speaks about #OldGrowth and old stable ecosystems in general. Currently trying to save 3,500 acres of #OldGrowth in the #UpperCheatRiver project that has lots of moss but not a lot of sweetgrass :)
#braidingSweetgrass #robingwallkimmerer #gatheringmoss #oldgrowth #uppercheatriver
@Dr_ClaireH A great book but my favorite of #RobingWallKimmerer is #GatheringMoss partly because it speaks about #OldGrowth and old ecosystems in general
#robingwallkimmerer #gatheringmoss #oldgrowth