Unmeasured power, incredible passion, enormous craft: no
thought apparent but burns darkly
Smothered with its own smoke in the human brain-vault: no
thought outside: a certain measure in phenomena:
The fountains of the boiling stars, the flowers on the foreland,
the ever-returning roses of dawn.
~ From “ Apology for Bad Dreams” by Robinson Jeffers
#bigsur #BadDreams #robinsonjeffers #poetry
Unmeasured power, incredible passion, enormous craft: no
thought apparent but burns darkly
Smothered with its own smoke in the human brain-vault: no
thought outside: a certain measure in phenomena:
The fountains of the boiling stars, the flowers on the foreland,
the ever-returning roses of dawn.
~ From “ Apology for Bad Dreams” by Robinson Jeffers
#BadDreams #robinsonjeffers #poetry
#poetry #RobinsonJeffers #hawk I'm looking for a poem that I think is written by Robinson Jeffers. I can only remember a fragment ''tears life to pieces.'' #Pleasehelp
#poetry #robinsonjeffers #hawk #pleasehelp
An old anthology, _Toward Liberal Education_ or _Understanding Poetry_ got me into #RobinsonJeffers. Some lines stick in your mind, "corruption never has been compulsory" or make you think of Buddhism quotes...
> I sadly smiling remember that the flower fades to make fruit, the
fruit rots to make earth. Out of the mother; and through the spring exultances, ripeness
and decadence; and home to the mother.
You making haste haste on decay: not blameworthy; life is good,...
Thanks to @strypey mention of The Expanse in a diversty and Drunken Critic(?) thread, I got into the screen and the novel series:
> Fred looked over to him with a weary smile. “ ‘Be angry at the sun for setting if these things anger you.’ A #poet named #Jeffers said that.”
> “Yeah, but was he talking about #journalists and #politicians lying to each other?”
> “Matter of fact, he was.”
#TheExpanse #NemesisGames #RobinsonJeffers #BeAngryAtTheSun #Novel to #Poetry
#poetry #novel #BeAngryAtTheSun #robinsonjeffers #NemesisGames #theexpanse #politicians #journalists #Jeffers #poet
> Beautiful flowers fall and return to their roots while their delicious fruits decay on the ground.
--- #BuddhistCalendar
> I sadly smiling remember that the flower fades to make fruit, the fruit rots to make earth.
--- #RobinsonJeffers, USA #poet #ShinePerishingRepublic #Buddhism
#buddhism #ShinePerishingRepublic #poet #robinsonjeffers #BuddhistCalendar
#RobinsonJeffers on #GreatMen,
I first stumbled on the poet in #ReadingsForLiberalEducation and he was a great find. #poetry #poem
#poem #poetry #ReadingsForLiberalEducation #GreatMen #robinsonjeffers