@trib @timrichards
Sadly agree, especially about being traumatised by 2019 election. The policies proposed then were very good indeed, sound and practical. But the vile KillBill campaign worked. Now the #Labor govt seems timid and subservient to business and US. Albanese has certainly not lived up to expectations re community welfare and more social equity despite his vaunted origins.
Am very disillusioned and disappointed by their mediocre attitude. In particular to environment and climate, also the crawling re AUKUS and bringing an ongoing redneck US in to control so much under that umbrella.
At least Bill Shorten is attempting to clean the stables for #NDIS and the after math of #Robodebt. But that is mammoth task with depleted PS, lost knowledge & experience and limited money to spend in community service sector.
interesting article on Operation Protego and the $1.6bil in fraud against the ATO, framing it against #robodebt: https://www.themandarin.com.au/227763-atos-4-6bn-epic-gst-fraud-hit-is-the-real-price-tag-of-robodebt/
Abuse of power - Gaslighting those who needed help
The National Anti-Corruption Commission “focused on a grotesque abuse of power by the welfare bureaucracy. But along the way, it exposed another remarkable breakdown in public administration — this time, within Canberra's other integrity agency, the Commonwealth Ombudsman – which highlights just how tough it is to stay at arms' length."
"#Robodebt was a sprawling, illegal project. It stole more than $700 million from the people least able to defend themselves. It pushed many to the brink, and some right over it."
#governance #citizens #Australia
#robodebt #governance #citizens #australia
@glent I doubt he'll ever play a serious role in politics ever again. His reputation has been thoroughly trashed via #Robodebt, #5Ministeries & that coal stunt. He's a grub.
#robodebt is still going on
Like zombies that just can't be killed this thing wont die the death it should have had years ago
"In some cases the payslips relied on by Services Australia to calculate welfare debts don’t align with the fortnightly income reporting periods. In these situations, the agency created a “daily” average.
The ombudsman found that under the process of “apportionment”, welfare recipients’ employment income was spread across two or more fortnightly periods, which are used to calculate entitlement to Centrelink payments such as jobseeker.
The ombudsman found this was “not permitted” by the Social Security Act as it was in force before 7 December 2020."
@GregJennett @abcnews the nerve of you to say #Robodebt should be now in the past. Such an LNP sichophant you are. You just disrespect all those vulnerable people that were affected and died as a result. #afternoonbriefing
#Robodebt #qt #parliament Bill Shorten moved a motion for the House of Representatives to accept the RC findings and apologised to victims of #robodebt. Naturally the #LNP voted against the motion and called it point scoring. During #qt Bill has given the #coalition a massive clip each time they pop up to excuse the inexcusable and to deny any wrong doing in this “political witch-hunt” #FFS #Auspol
#robodebt #qt #parliament #lnp #coalition #ffs #auspol
Following on from both #Robodebt + the revelations on how the “big 4” once-were-accountants have rorted the Australian Public Service, Chris Wallace has some concrete suggestions to restore good governance #auspol
@kcarruthers It’s pure vicious politics from the people who brought us #robodebt. Upset that they lost the election they are taking out on the First Nations people. #auspol
Tell us what you really think, Daniel.
"This week, in one of the most narcissistic performances we’ve seen in parliament in a long time, Scott Morrison once again revealed his true self to the world: a man without a moral compass or a skerrick of compassion for the hundreds of thousands of victims of his psychotic #RoboDebt scheme. The level of self-delusion is Trumpian"
#robodebt #auspol #robodebtrc #lnp
Early release of the New Politics podcast for Patreon subscribers – everyone else, Saturday 8AM. The new concept of the “Morrison Doctrine” (i.e. lies and more bullshit). LISTEN IN! SUPPORT! SUBSCRIBE! ENJOY! #Robodebt #auspol https://www.patreon.com/posts/morrisonian-in-87155932?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Dear Scott Morrison,
Having been found to be deliberately raising inaccurate debts to give #Scott the 'savings' he demanded via #robodebt, Centrelink now shown to have been miscalculating debts through plain incompetence as well. The shame of it.
Up to 100,000 Centrelink debts or potential debts miscalculated over two decades, ombudsman finds https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/aug/02/up-to-100000-welfare-debts-or-potential-debts-miscalculated-over-two-decades-ombudsman-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other