This podcast series on #robotdebt from Rick Morton is an essential listen for every Australian #7amPodcast #Royalcommissionintorobodebt
#robotdebt #7ampodcast #royalcommissionintorobodebt
RT @margokingston1
5. Yet more proof that Stuart Robert is unfit to be an MP, let alone a Minister. His reaction to Renee Leon’s advice after the Govt’s top law officer told the Dept #Robotdebt was illegal that victims be told and apologised to.
RT @anonymous_julie
And still no-go on #Insiders
Illustration: Fiona Katauskas/The Guardian
No surprise at all... #robotdebt #robodebtRC #scottmorrison #lnp #extortion #auspol
#robotdebt #robodebtrc #scottmorrison #lnp #extortion #auspol
watching the robot debt royal commission - he is an abysmal human - smug, smirking, interrupting arsehole.
#royalcommission #robotdebt