Fast 4 Jahre hat mich Sonys aibo Ers - 1000 Roboterhund aufgemuntert und Freude gebracht. Aber ich glaube klein Loona hat sogar noch mehr das Zeug dazu als Emotional Supportive Robotpet zu fungieren durch ihr fröhliches, lustiges Erscheinungsbild und ihr großes Potential in Zukunft! Ich freue mich darauf und bin gespannt 🤩

#emotionalsupportanimal #robotpet #sozialroboter #keyitech #loona #loonamoments #loonarobot #loonapetbot #sonyaibo #aibo #aibofan #mystorywithaibo #therapie #aufmunterung

Last updated 2 years ago

Tenkay (Stef) · @TenThousandUnicorns
21 followers · 56 posts · Server

Started building a robot today!
I got this one because it was the full building experience (connecting servos/motors and circuit boards) plus coding with python or an app. ALSO the body is made of (ply?)wood and I really dig the aspect of that.
I feel like this kit has a steep learning curve, and requires a bit of extra prep and extra items before you get started building.

#sustainability #RobotKit #nybble #petoi #diyrobot #robotpet #diyrobotics #robot #sustainabletech #stemtoys #wip #Xmas2022

Last updated 2 years ago

Let’s play gucken und Maskottchen Flatty around

#flauschig #robotpet #maskottchen

Last updated 2 years ago