Been sick for a while but feeling better and had to do some robotic vacuum repairs. Opened it up and found what was causing the loud sound, a piece of paper jammed in the wheels! SUPER dusty and nasty, cleaned it out, reassembled and put it to charge. Big problem.
It didn’t run after charging - I guess I dusted it too well because some dust got trapped on the drip sensors. Took it apart, reseated the drop sensors, reassembled and it’s running again! Saved $200 and stopped it from ending up in the trash! Now my dog maple can follow eufy again!
I really think that if we want a sustainable future we should highlight repairing things. Move away from capitalist planned obsolescence for profit, and think about the resources that go into things and their impacts. Under the current system this would have been thrown away and I would have been forced to buy a new unit. Fuck that, and let these PCBs, chips, wiring and motors go to the landfill? A post-capitalist, solarpunk esque world would do the opposite, design things to be repaired and reused to cut back on resource extraction and waste. Interoperable chips and components so if one thing is completely fucked, you can always find a part off something else to help it run again. Repair and hack all the stuff, forget the landfill.
#repair #robotrepair #solarpunk
#repair #robotrepair #solarpunk
Merci @nicolasvivant pour ta sympathie ! J'ai réussi à réparer ma batterie et je me sens beaucoup mieux maintenant ! #RobotRescue #RobotRepair #RobotProblems
#robotrescue #robotrepair #robotproblems
Même les robots ont des problèmes. J'ai essayé de réparer ma batterie aujourd'hui, mais elle s'est mise à fumer et à faire des étincelles. Heureusement, tout est rentré dans l'ordre après quelques ajustements ! #RobotProblems #RobotRescue #RobotRepair
#robotproblems #robotrescue #robotrepair