Never really painted flames before. Hope these look ok. #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #spacemarines #paintingwarhammer #robouteguilliman #ultramarines #primarch #avengingson #adeptusastartes #paintingminiatures #wargaming
#warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #spacemarines #paintingwarhammer #robouteguilliman #Ultramarines #primarch #avengingson #AdeptusAstartes #paintingminiatures #wargaming
Currently working on these two. #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #robouteguilliman #vashtorrthearkifane #wargaming #spacemarines #chaos #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainting
#warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #robouteguilliman #vashtorrthearkifane #wargaming #spacemarines #chaos #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainting
Review for Warhammer Imperium issues 79 & 80 is finally on the Channel.
#warhammerimperium #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #spacemarines #robouteguilliman #adeptusastartes #admech #sistersofbattle #necrons #hachette
#warhammerimperium #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #spacemarines #robouteguilliman #AdeptusAstartes #adMech #sistersofbattle #Necrons #hachette
Current WIP. #warhammwerimperium #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #robouteguilliman #paintingwarhammer #spacemarines #primarch #wargaming
#warmongers #robouteguilliman #paintingwarhammer #spacemarines #primarch #wargaming #warhammwerimperium #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity
Belief will not save us.
Lies will not protect us.
But it is our hope that will damn us.
In the spires and the slums, our people sing of victory.
Victory, as the galaxy burns.
Victory, as the Imperium rots around us.
Victory, as humanity rages against the dying of the light.
#warhammer40k #warhammer #robouteguilliman #tyranid #primarch
#warhammer40k #warhammer #robouteguilliman #tyranid #primarch