"But our ability to control fires is limited, and there is now an urgent need to build
#resilient #communities, #robust lines of #communication and
holistic #ResponsePlans [...].
This will require concrete adaptations such as equipping schools, care facilities and other critical municipal buildings with proper filtration to protect vulnerable communities from #smoke-induced #AirPollution. However, true resilience will also require building less tangible #infrastructure" [1]
#resilient #communities #robust #communication #responseplans #smoke #airpollution #infrastructure
Projected Randomized Smoothing for Certified Adversarial Robustness
#robustness #robust #classifiers
About #robust programs: I could not exe firefox because it was damaged through some arcane means during travel, and reinstalling it simply fixed everything, including restoring my last session’s tabs.
Catastrophic overfitting can be induced with discriminative non-robust features
Guillermo Ortiz-Jimenez, Pau de Jorge, Amartya Sanyal et al.
Action editor: Jakub Tomczak.
#overfitting #adversarial #robust
Ihr Lieben, heute komme ich mit einer Frage an die Gartenmenschen hier: Wer hat mir einen Tipp für eine gute Feuerbohnenart, die sowohl #samenfest und #robust, als auch #hitzetolerant ist? Meine Sorte Kaliningrad ist leider nicht hitzetolerant. Bei Temperaturen ab 30° lässt sie ihre Blüten fallen. Ist mir letztes Jahr passiert und jetzt schon wieder. Weil wir keinen richtigen Klimaschutz bekommen, benötige ich leider eine andere Pflanzenauswahl. #hülsenfrüchte #feuerbohne #bohne #garten
#garten #bohne #Feuerbohne #hulsenfruchte #hitzetolerant #robust #samenfest
'Robust Methods for High-Dimensional Linear Learning', by Ibrahim Merad, Stéphane Gaïffas.
#sparse #robust #outliers
This afternoon at Water Operations for Uncertain Futures 2023 #AFPLwouf23, we've taken on the role of various stakeholders and mapped out how we might carry out the #water concept pitches from initiation to adaptation. The takeaways? The considerations involved in shaping #water #futures are #complex and involve many interactions between #society, #environment, #technology, #industry, and #governance. Some things are easy to #adapt and #change – but on the whole, creating #robust and #equitable #systems in this space takes time, conversations, many knowledges, hard choices, and careful planning. And whether we know it or not, we all depend on the care people in this space take in creating robust water futures for us all.
#AFPLwouf23 is the third workshop in the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab series, which has been made possible with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. ANU Institute for Water Futures and #OneBasinCRC have taken the lead in planning and supporting this workshop. Thanks, also, to the Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU School of Cybernetics, ANU Centre for European Studies, CNRS LAMSADE, and DIMACS Rutgers University.
The content on this post and any material herein reflects only the author’s view. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
#cybernetics #futures #waterpolicy #Australia #europeanunion
#afplwouf23 #water #futures #complex #society #environment #technology #industry #Governance #adapt #change #robust #equitable #systems #onebasincrc #cybernetics #waterpolicy #australia #EuropeanUnion
The Robustness Limits of SoTA Vision Models to Natural Variation
Mark Ibrahim, Quentin Garrido, Ari S. Morcos, Diane Bouchacourt
Action editor: Dumitru Erhan.
Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with State Uncertainty
Sihong He, Songyang Han, Sanbao Su, Shuo Han, Shaofeng Zou, Fei Miao
Action editor: Marc Lanctot.
#robust_marl_with_state_uncertainty #robustness #robust
'Statistical Robustness of Empirical Risks in Machine Learning', by Shaoyan Guo, Huifu Xu, Liwei Zhang.
#robustness #robust #risk
Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts
Kumail Alhamoud, Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Motasem Alfarra, Bernard Ghanem
#featuredcertification #adversarial #robustness #robust
Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts
Kumail Alhamoud, Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Motasem Alfarra, Bernard Ghanem
Action editor: Gang Niu.
#adversarial #robustness #robust
Mixup to the Random Extreme and Its Performances in Robust Image Classification
#robust #classification #robustness
Chaos Theory and Adversarial Robustness
#adversarial #robustness #robust
'Global Convergence of Sub-gradient Method for Robust Matrix Recovery: Small Initialization, Noisy Measurements, and Over-parameterization', by Jianhao Ma, Salar Fattahi.
#subgm #robust #gradient
date: 2023-04-13 16:17:01
by: Sara Magliacane (she/her)
🚨We have an open PhD position @AmlabUva @UvA_IvI in #causality-inspired ML for #robust #fraud #detection with dr. Ana Mićković @ABS_UvA 🚨
This is part of the #ai4fintech program @UvA_Amsterdam, and in partnership with @Adyen
Deadline: 21 May 2023
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1646548051337543685
#causality #robust #fraud #detection #ai4fintech #phdPosition
Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts
#adversarial #robustness #robust
Can Pruning Improve Certified Robustness of Neural Networks?
Zhangheng LI, Tianlong Chen, Linyi Li, Bo Li, Zhangyang Wang
In today's showcase I'm highlighting my functional and strong 3D printed corner bracket design.
Discover all details and downloads: https://www.printables.com/model/122514
This model requires no supports and is perfectly optimised for the FFF process using PETG or ASA filament. Various bracket and screw hole sizes are available for download.
#showcase #robust #functional #bracket #corner #3dprinting