Fertig mit »#TerryPratchett. A Life With Footnotes« (2022) von #RobWilkins. Wunderschönes Buch.
Wusste gar nicht, dass es neben den BBC-Dokus zu Alzheimer und selbstbestimmten Sterben als letztes auch eine über Borneo/Orang-Utans/bedrohte Tierarten gibt.
Die gönne ich mir nun als Bettfupferl.
It shows that #GoodOmensS2 is in good hands when Crowley and Aziraphales plan to make two people fall in love sounds suspiciously like a plot Nobby Nobbs and Fred Colon would come up with.
#robwilkins #TerryPrachett #goodomenss2
If your tea isn't completely full and ice cold by the time you pull your brain out of a book, then you need to keep #reading.
PS, I'm reading #TerryPratchett's brilliant biography, 'Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes', by the wonderful #RobWilkins.
#robwilkins #terrypratchett #reading
Finished reading Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes, written by Rob Wilkins, who worked in seemingly endless capacities for Sir Terry, on the train home today.
It’s a really well-written biography - it’s fascinating, consistently well-paced, and has the perfect balance of fact and anecdote and hits the tone spot on.
Naturally, it gets sad later on. I’m not someone who cries at books, but this might be the closest.
#robwilkins #alifewithfootnotes #terrypratchett #amreading
Just finished reading the #TerryPratchett biography #ALifeWithFootnotes. If you are a #Discworld fan, you need to read this one. #RobWilkins has assembled a moving and inspiring tribute. Indeed, I'm taking a stab at some fiction writing now.
#terrypratchett #alifewithfootnotes #discworld #robwilkins
Pode comezar mellor un luns??? Grazas compa! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
#Libros #TerryPratchett #RobWilkins
#RebeccaRoanhorse #LoisMcMasterBujold
#loismcmasterbujold #rebeccaroanhorse #robwilkins #terrypratchett #libros
I am currently reading "Terry Pratchett, A Life With Footnotes" by #RobWilkins. A great book. Worth a read, even if you don't know Sir Terry's work. #GNUTerryPratchett #SpeakHisName #TerryPratchett
#terrypratchett #speakhisname #gnuterrypratchett #robwilkins
I am currently reading "Terry Pratchett, A Life in Footnotes" by #RobWilkins. A great book. Worth a read, even if you don't know Sir Terry's work. #GNUTerryPratchett #SpeakHisName #TerryPratchett
#terrypratchett #speakhisname #gnuterrypratchett #robwilkins