Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Marjorie Taylor Greene Tries, Fails to Show the Covid Vaccine Causes Miscarriages #Jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #marjorietaylorgreene #branchesofbiology #vaccinehesitancy #rochellewalensky #marjorietaylor #vaccination #miscarriage #stillbirth #medicine #articles #vaccine #moderna #pfizer #rtt
#jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #marjorietaylorgreene #branchesofbiology #vaccinehesitancy #rochellewalensky #marjorietaylor #vaccination #miscarriage #stillbirth #medicine #articles #Vaccine #Moderna #pfizer #rtt
You know, if I were trying to telegraph my administration's support for diversity, I might make an effort to avoid nominating two white Jewish women with strong ties to Massachusetts in a row to the same prominent federal position.
There's also something—though admittedly not much—to be said for not giving the antisemitic conspiracy theorists more to work with.
And don't even get me started on the whole glass cliff aspect of this.
#Biden #CDC #RochelleWalensky #MandyCohen #USPol #politics
#biden #cdc #rochellewalensky #mandycohen #uspol #politics
Good riddance to the woman who told us, in so many words, that disabled and immunocompromised people are disposable, and that it's good if we die.
May she step on Lego while barefoot every day of her miserable life.
CDC Director to Step Down as Covid Emergencies End #CDC #Walensky #RochelleWalensky #COVID19 #WHO #health #politicaliq #news #politics
#cdc #walensky #rochellewalensky #COVID19 #who #health #politicaliq #News #politics