L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
521 followers · 4439 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Il Consiglio comunale di rimane senza controllo.
Nello scorso febbraio i |Centro-destra hanno perso il controllo del Consiglio.


#elezioni #regnounito #locali #inghilterra #rochford #con

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexander Hay · @alexanderhay
832 followers · 3972 posts · Server mastodon.social

ANGLERS: "Please stop eating our fish, there's a nice seal?"


"Anglers despair as trapped eats lake’s stocks like it’s ‘in

"A seal trapped in a lake has “found himself in a branch of Waitrose” and has no incentive to escape, according to an expert.

"The animal has evaded multiple attempts at capture since first being spotted at , in Essex, almost a month ago..."


#seal #essex #waitrose #fishing #rochford #reservoir #uknews #wildlife #lulz #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

AmiW 🎨 · @AmiW
3248 followers · 12415 posts · Server mastodon.online

🖤Artist: - in City: Square UK 🇬🇧 - Title: "Queen Elizabeth II." (📷 by) - 🕯️R.I.P.

#goodbye #queenelizabeth #queen #Mural #art #MastoArt #streetart #essex #rochford #dankitchener

Last updated 2 years ago