So desperate for some candy that I'm eating the leftover plain Hershey chocolate bars from one of those Halloween bundle packs.
When Yeshaia Hit Rock Bottom
Yeshaia tells the story of his own “intervention“. The day he went to jail and the weight of his life and his decisions came into sharp focus.
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#RecoverIntegrity #Yeshaiablakeney #recovery #sobriety #rockbottom #sober #soberlife #livesober
#recoverintegrity #yeshaiablakeney #recovery #sobriety #rockbottom #sober #soberlife #livesober
Robert Wyatt - Little Red Robin Hood Hit The Road.
Artist: Robert Wyatt
Album Title: Rock Bottom
Original release label: Virgin Records
Year of release: 1974
Producer: Nick Mason (Pink Floyd)
Formats: LP/MC/CD
Featuring musicians:
- Laurie Allan: drums
- Ivor Cutler: voice, baritone concertina
- Fred Frith (Henry Cow): viola
- Mike Oldfield: electric guitar
- Richard Sinclair (Caravan): bass guitar
#rockbottom #nickmason #crossprog #canterbury
Robert Wyatt - Little Red Robin Hood Hit The Road (feat. Mike Oldfield) - From Rock Bottom album (Virgin Records, 1974) #RockBottom #NickMason #Crossprog #Canterbury
#rockbottom #nickmason #crossprog #canterbury
#Undiacomohoy nacía el #guitarrista alemán conocido por su paso en #scorpions y #UFO #MichaelSchenker #rock #metal #germany #alemania #guitarra #flyingV #RockBottom #rtr #cdmx #fyp #EfemeridesRock
#undiacomohoy #guitarrista #scorpions #ufo #michaelschenker #rock #metal #germany #alemania #guitarra #flyingv #rockbottom #rtr #cdmx #fyp #efemeridesrock
#RobertWyatt - '#LittleRedRobinHoodHitTheRoad' (1974) from the #Album #RockBottom with #MikeOldfield on #ElectricGuitars and #IvorCutler on coda #Vocal
#Music #Song #Rock #RockMusic #AlternativeRock #Indie #IndieRock #AvantGarde #Bizarro
#bizarro #avantgarde #indierock #indie #alternativerock #rockmusic #rock #song #music #vocal #ivorcutler #electricguitars #MikeOldfield #rockbottom #album #littleredrobinhoodhittheroad #robertwyatt
it’s getting bleak, people
how bleak?
considered asking Siri for Christmas music this morning. #rockBottom
An old cynical rascal and denier of #climatechange abusing his position as president of the #UnitedStates to attack a teenage girl: There truly is no such thing as #rockbottom for the shameless prick known as #Trump. Karma will bite this bellend in his fat arse hard.
#climatechange #unitedstates #rockbottom #trump
個人的には名盤「Wild Frontier」と何故かジャングルビートを取り入れた最迷走期のアルバム「Dark Days in Paradise 」が一番好き笑