Things that make me happy:
The results of a Rock Check are roughly consistent independent of platform.
What better way to start a new platform than by finding those who appreciate #rocks #minerals #geology & #geo?

#RockCheck! Do you know where your rock is? Photos & stories welcome.
#rocks #geo #rockcheck #minerals #geology
Hi! I'm a disaster researcher, TV & movie science consultant, field geophysicist , & freelance science communicator. I'm usually somewhere along the West Coast of North America.

I run #YouFoundARock & #RockCheck. I’m the admin of #MinCup, and give tasting notes on rocks sorted into Lick & Do Not Lick lists.
#introduction #TwitterMigration #SciComm #CanSci #fieldwork #geophysics #geoscience #geo #geohazards #disasters #drr #EmergencyPreparedness #space #sff
#scicomm #drr #space #cansci #geo #youfoundarock #rockcheck #mincup #fieldwork #geophysics #twittermigration #geohazards #emergencypreparedness #geoscience #introduction #disasters #sff