Seriously considering using my #Rocketbook, as my paper based #calendar, for when I have meetings with others. 🤔
At least for the time being, while I have multiple operating systems.
I've actually been thinking that this might be a really good use for my #Rocketbook, as I haven't been using it all that much!
#Rocketbook Reusable #Planner w/Pilot #Fixion Pen & Cloth - Black, Executive Size $20
48 reusable pages
8 templates incl planning pages, tracking projects, to-dos, notetaking
Use free iOS / Android app to send handwritten notes to Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, box, OneNote, Slack, iCloud, email
Use any Pilot Frixion pen, marker, hilighter, 15s to dry to specialized pages - wipe clean w/damp cloth to reuse.
#rocketbook #planner #fixion #delete #deal
I know people don’t like Wal-Mart but for those of you who are ok with it, they sell a few kinds of Rocket Books now. I picked up this small one and it’s nice to have something pocket sized. #GMtools #DMTools #ttrpg #RocketBook
#gmtools #dmtools #ttrpg #rocketbook
I wish there was a notebook that was reusable like a Rocketbook but you could use fountain pens with it .
I wish there was a notebook that was reusable like a Rocketbook but you could use fountain pens with it .
Pausing the print while I go see Michelle Obama’s book tour. But a sneak peak of my #rocketbook notecard holder
Just need to print out 2 more parts and my new #mmu2s setup will be fully operational. I have a #Rocketbook desktop notecard holder/organizer designed and ready to go for a 5 color print!
@foxen it's not exactly a bullet journal (because I can't keep up with all the extras flourishes that seem to go with those) but I combined two erasable #rocketbook, the panda planner and their yearly planner, and made a handy scheduling tool
I don't actually use the rocketbook app to back up my calendars or my detailed day to day anything, I have Google calendar for recurring time blocks
#rocketbook und #onenote und Datenschutz.
Bei der diesjährigen #emacs Conf gab es auch einen Talk zur Integration von hangeschriebenen Notizen in #orgmode .
Da würde sich das hier rumliegende Rocketbook oder das Businesstelefon samt OneNote App für die beruflichen Tätigkeiten eigentlich prima eigenen, um per Texterkennung die Daten nachträglich digital zu verwenden.
Allerdings landet OCR technisch alles erst mal in den USA und es gibt wenig Infos über die Aufbewahrung der Daten....
#rocketbook #onenote #emacs #orgmode
Handschriftliche Notizen schnell, smart digitalisiert und verwaltet via #RocketBook, #Zapier, #Notion und #Microsoft365
#Digitalisierung #Notice #Microsoft #transformation #digitalworkplace #newwork #rocketbook #notizen #onenote #onedrive #trello
#rocketbook #zapier #notion #microsoft365 #digitalisierung #notice #microsoft #transformation #digitalworkplace #newwork #notizen #onenote #onedrive #trello
Having great fun testing out #Scapple - here 1st level notes about weird entitites I was researching a few months back - pretty creepy especially the synthetic thought forms - probably extracted the majority of these from Borges's Manual de Zoologia Fantastica. Wrote these down in a #Rocketbook and transferred over later. Not exhaustive...
Do anyone know of cheaper #alternative #pens to the #FriXion for the #rocketbook?
I use 0.5 as tip, those are the ones that last the most, or at least.. that is what I saw in a video in which all tips have been tested :)
#alternative #pens #FriXion #rocketbook
bought a #rocketbook instead of spending hundreds on an e-ink tablet just for doodling 😄
someone was selling an unopened one for ~20€, seemed like a fair price.
Si ca pouvait donner de la visibilité a Rocketbook, ce serait cool ! J'adore leurs produits, il manque juste un peu de #libre dedans
Bic rachète la marque de carnets connectés Rocketbook