Rocket Stove Efficiently Heats Water - Rocket stoves are an interesting, if often overlooked, method for cooking or for g... - #metalworking #rocketstove #homehacks #hotwater #biomass #welding #heater #metal #stove #heat #wood
#wood #heat #stove #metal #heater #welding #biomass #hotwater #homehacks #rocketstove #metalworking
@laprice My friend Ray Cirino has a bunch of different #SolarCooker and #RocketStove designs. My fave is the giant repurposed satellite dish
#Tinder for the #RocketStove ! Took me about an hour to grab it all, and there’s some nice dry grass at the bottom of the bag. I’ll add my used paper towels and make sure everything can dry properly in the sun.
Before I light the stove for the first time, I still need a safe means of extinguishing the fire, which probably will take the form of tongs and a bucket filled partway with sand Insha Allah.
#tinder #rocketstove #renewableenergy #sustainability
Actually my idea was to use it as some kind of #rocketstove burner. And now, thinking about it, even old ceramic stoves have problems with cracking and they are made out of tiles. That's why special oven bricks (ladrillo refrectario) exist and should be used always for the fire place itself.
Coté Decathlon l'approche lowtech est arrivée avec la réflexion sur l'innovation frugale (bouquin de Ravi Nadjou cité - je crois).
Un exemple montré est un rocket stove portatif :
Concours (red flag travail gratuit pour moi) innovation low-tech :
#lowtech #decathlon #rocketstove #frugalinnovation
TIL about thermal cookers and rocket stoves.
Thermal cookers replace slow cookers by placing a hot pot (casserole dish etc) into an insulated box, use a fraction of the energy, and can even be DIY'd.
Rocket stoves are little wood stoves can be flat packed to be taken camping. Supposedly they are smokeless, and much more efficient.
Some good reading:
#permaculture #thermalcooker #rocketstove #greenliving #efficientalternatives
#permaculture #thermalcooker #rocketstove #greenliving #efficientalternatives
ha, si vous ou l'une de vos connaissances êtes dans le 58, il y a une personne qui recherche qqn capable de partager ses savoirs sur le montage d'un #rocketstove
Notre village temporaire autonome entièrement alimenté avec nos #véloélectrique (s), les Véléctricyclettes, nos #panneauxsolaires , une #eolienne , la sobriété, des #LEDS , #rocketstove ...
(désolé pour les liens FB mais on va changer ça)
#veloelectrique #panneauxsolaires #eolienne #leds #rocketstove
A Simple Stove, Built for Beans - Sitting around a campfire or fireplace is an aesthetically pleasing experience in ... - #rocketstove #greenhacks #efficiency #emergency #gasifier #biomass #stove #fuel #heat #wood
#wood #heat #fuel #stove #biomass #gasifier #emergency #efficiency #greenhacks #rocketstove
A Simple Stove, Built for Beans
#rocketstove #greenhacks #efficiency #emergency #gasifier #biomass #stove #fuel #heat #wood
#rocketstove #greenhacks #efficiency #Emergency #gasifier #biomass #stove #fuel #heat #wood
Finally made one a 16-brick #RocketStove today. After seeing the prices for outdoor wood-stoves, buying 16 heat-resistant bricks didn't seem so expensive. They 275 yen bricks seem expensive when you compare them with 66 yen cement brick...
I only tested it a little bit, it was an impulse purchase while at the big box store for a few other things. But the urge to do it has been in me for 10 years or so..
Understanding how a #rocketstove works #preparedness #offgridliving
#offgridliving #preparedness #rocketstove
Understanding how a #rocketstove works #preparedness #offgridliving
#offgridliving #preparedness #rocketstove
I made an insulated #rocketstove in my lunch break for my next #camping trip. It's made from 3 baked bean cans, some wire and the remains of an old woolen blanket. Tomorrow lunch I want to make a pot stand for it and see if I can poach an egg in a billy with it.
Second experiment, even in this janky state it works really well. Next step is to put a 50 gal drum on top and route the heat under the rv and out the other side weee
Une #maison #autonome, #bioclimatique et #naturelle.
Plein d'explications didactiques et de bonnes pistes, idées, conseils etc...
#permaculture #autonomie #autoconstruction #diy#energie #eau #phytoepuration #terre-paille#terrepaille #terre #terrecrue #paille #rocketstove#chauffage #naturel #bois #environnement#ecologie
#maison #autonome #bioclimatique #naturelle #permaculture #autonomie #autoconstruction #diy #eau #phytoepuration #terre #terrecrue #paille #rocketstove #naturel #bois #environnement