A favorite spot in our garden. My partner Lupe’s rock garden, with a cement bench next to the opening into our Lilac hedge. A very special place. Easy to imagine a hobbit or cute furry emerging from the lilacs to rest on the bench. That’s Thyme growing in between the pavers. #garden #gardening #GardenersOfMastodon #rockgarden #Oregon #RogueValley #SouthernOregon
#garden #gardening #gardenersofmastodon #rockgarden #oregon #roguevalley #southernoregon
The event, being organised by the directorate of AYUSH, will be attended by around 1,000 yoga enthusiasts; a huge number of participants will also perform yoga at about 100 other locations in Chandigarh
#Chandigarh #RockGarden
A diverse array of yoga associations and non-governmental organisations participated in the rehearsal, showcasing their commitment to the promotion of yoga and well-being
#Day #Chandigarh #RockGarden
I made a little rock garden with different succulents that the owner of the land left behind.
We have some big rocks on the land, so I took some, and I made a circle with the that I filled with sand. Very easy, looks great, should work in this climate.
#offgrid #diy #gardening #rockgarden #succulents #portugal
Was in #Chandigarh yesterday and went to the fascinating yet slightly unnerving local #RockGarden there. Visit if you can.
pics in the collage- top- on the road, near home, a rare these days shopping trip to town--not the one where I work, the opposite direction to #SylvanLake Alberta-- still just basics, mostly, but a different set of stores- a few minor practical gifts for the two of us here!
centre L- #NativePlants in the #RockGarden; cntre- #Solstice decorations; R- in the bush on the #farm
bottom L-sunset view from the bush; right #commute to work in #RockyMountainHouse
#RockyMountainHouse #commute #farm #solstice #rockgarden #nativeplants #sylvanlake
pics in collage 4 corners- #winter #RockGarden views, stems above the #snow: top L Agastache foeniculum ; R Achillea millefolium; bot L Iris hookeri; R Symphyotrichum ciliolatum;
centre top view of the old artificial Solstice Tree (or Christmas Tree, if you like that newcomer holiday riding Solstice's coat tails 😉 )
centre bottom- trees in the woods coloured by sunset, with some extra holiday lights added in editing!
Another #Throwback for #FlowersOnFriday memories of early #spring- Crocus, not a Crocus, Crocus, Crocus, Crocus, Crocus; The Crocus are from mixed bulbs, the other, top centre is Pulsatilla/Anemone patens/nutalliana; While they are sometimes called Prairie Crocus or, worse, just Crocus-they are in fact Anemones, not at all related to true Crocus, which are bulb plants in the Iris family. #Alberta #florespondence #flowers #gardening #NativePlants #RockGarden #wildflowers @plants
#wildflowers #rockgarden #nativeplants #gardening #flowers #florespondence #alberta #spring #FlowersOnFriday #throwback
So far in my life, #spring has always come, after winter, and even #summer after that, so I believe it will happen again, even if it doesn't seem possible on mornings like this- below -30C
@plants @nature #gardening #FlowersOnFriday #Throwback #RockGarden #NaturalGardening
photos in collage #NativePlants + #alpines in the #garden- top L-R native Dodecatheon pulchellum (Primula); Castilleja sp from B.C.; Dianthus sp; cont-
#garden #alpines #nativeplants #NaturalGardening #rockgarden #throwback #FlowersOnFriday #gardening #summer #spring
There’s some excellent #Mosstodon pics going around, here’s mine. Disclaimer: I don’t know if this is actually a moss or not. #moss #rockgarden #rockery
#rockery #rockgarden #moss #Mosstodon
More #Throwback for #FlowersOnFriday- looking back to times when there were colours outside other than white!
#florespondence #gardening #rockgarden @plants top left, bot cntre- Dianthus barbatus; top right, bot L+ R Viola hybrids; top centre Saussurea cf S leontodontoides; centre L Clematis tangutica; centre, R Sempervivum (R=S. ciliosum)
#rockgarden #gardening #florespondence #FlowersOnFriday #throwback
pics in collage top left- Asian Saussurea riederi; right native Symphyotrichum ciliolatum- #bees love themselves some #Asteraceae
centre L native Agastache foeniculum; Rosa rugosa hybrid; R Antennaria 'rosea' hort;
bot L Geum Beech House Apricot; R Scabiosa japonica var alpina Ritz Blue #florespondence #RockGarden #CanadianGardener #NorthAmericanGardener #Alberta #PlantNerds
#plantnerds #alberta #northamericangardener #canadiangardener #rockgarden #florespondence #Asteraceae #bees
Pics cont- bottom left- Achillea millefolium hybrid-they flower for months here- this was the end for this year- now under snow! bottom right- Dianthus nardiformis flowers from latish summer until finally covered by snow--it persisted through frosts to -5/-8C #rockgarden
pics in collage: top row #Bees on Agastache foeniculum (native, not common locally, I got seed in a trade) + Scabiosa japonica Ritz Blue-- these have flowered for months, small plants in #rockgarden excellent for #pollinators
centre Aralia racemosa ex Ontario seed huge plants-- they flowre and try for seed each year, have never yet ripened berries before freezing-- they melt at modest temps that don't affect other natives.
bottom- Symphyotrichum ciliolatum, abundant local aster; Achillea hybrid
#pollinators #rockgarden #bees
#SixOnSaturday #bees #butterflies #flies + #flowers! #July richness- a mix of #nativeplants and #wildflowers from #seed from far-flung places! New meaning for 'take a trip and never leave the farm'! #CanGarden🇨🇦 #NAmericanGardeners #rockgarden #pollinatorgarden #naturalgardening
@plants #florespondence
#florespondence #NaturalGardening #pollinatorgarden #rockgarden #NAmericanGardeners #CanGarden #seed #wildflowers #nativeplants #july #flowers #flies #butterflies #bees #sixonsaturday
pics in collage continued: centre L-R all green sport of variegated Ajuga Pink Lightning is in bloom ahead of the variegated shoots in front; Ajuga Chocolate Chip- languishing in nursery pot several years later! flowering anyway; Hacquetia may be considered a spring flower-- here it is late spring, early summer;
bottom- #rockgarden view with Potentilla, Geum, Geranium flowers. Tulipa +Draba in seed, Scabiosa+Allium in bud; Linum lewisia/Wild Blue Flax, flowers open still on a cool afternoon
#SixOnSaturday lots of flowers for #midsummer (though really, #Solstice here is *early* summer)
@plants #florespondence
top L-R: from the Dolomites, Potentilla nitida (with a Jovibarba from France! in the rock garden); native Alberta Solidago/Goldenrod from the mountains; local native Geranium richardsonii; bottom: local Dogwood/ Cornus sericea; Papaver alpinum/Alpine Poppy w Armeria/Seathrift in the #rockgarden; ex Ontario, Actaea pachypoda/Doll's Eyes Baneberry;
What was your week like?
#rockgarden #florespondence #solstice #midsummer #sixonsaturday
Gonna be one of those weekends again- here I go with #FlowersOnFriday- Saturday morning...lol A wet week (welcome) but the #bees and I found a few chances to get out and get some work done! (and photos! raindrop pics will also be coming).. #flowers #naturalgardening #pollinators
top-bottom, L-R: old classic Lilac/Syringa vulgaris; hybrid Aquilegia which came along with seeds of (Semi)Aquilegia ecalcarata-clearly one of its parents; Armeria/Sea Thrift in #rockgarden ; @plants #florespondence
#florespondence #rockgarden #pollinators #NaturalGardening #flowers #bees #FlowersOnFriday
@plants @nature #florespondence
centre pics main post: L-R Geum *ex* (seed grown) Beech House Apricot (since that was a garden hybrid, I'd suppose that only plants descended asexually -cuttings, offsets- from original material qualify for the actual name);
Plum bush with most flowers I've seen, since someone hacked crabapple + decorative plum/chokecherry that were shading it; sadly it will be to no avail, since its companion /pollinator is no more...lol; Potentilla pulvinaris in #rockgarden
@plants top: left -right: Pediocactus simpsonii/Mountain Ball Cactus + Papaver alpinum/Alpine Poppy -the latter in front of a sparkly rock! #rockgarden
centre: Calypso bulbosa orchid, wild in the woods beyond the acreage; Pulsatilla vulgaris Rote Glocke/Red Bells Pasqueflower in the garden; local #nativeplant Viola adunca/Early Blue Violet self seeded in a rockgarden
bottom: from the car pics- a wetland and farm fields, and a road on the edge of Rocky Mountain House(the town where I work)