Lovely interview with Phil McMullen of Ptolemaic Terrascope on the Rock Writ podcast
#RockWritPodcast #PhilMcMullen #podcast #PtolemaicTerrascope #PsychedelicRock #RockMusic #RockJournalism
#rockjournalism #rockmusic #psychedelicrock #ptolemaicterrascope #podcast #philmcmullen #rockwritpodcast
This is a long shot, but Im getn desperate.
#Film #Movie geeks here may know the Film Super List, which lists films in the public domain bc their copyright wasnt renewed. Is there a similar(ish) book that lists exact release dates (day/month/year) for albums in the UK? I need the exact UK release date for The Rock Machine Turns You On from Columbia/CBS. #Music #RockJournalism #Writing #Nonfiction
As always, thanks in advance!
#film #movie #music #rockjournalism #writing #nonfiction