Brian Johnson of AC/DC
#rockandroll #hardrock #rocklegends
#rocklegends #hardrock #rockandroll
AC/DC At 50 Coffee Table Book By MARTIN POPOFF Available Now
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #acdc50 #martinpopoff #coffeetablebook #rocknroll #rocklegends #classicrock #classicalbums #rockanthology #rockmemoirs #rockbiography
Rock Legends: Redesigned Art Work…
Artists: Slash, Billy Gibbons, KurtCobain…
#artwork #stainedart #rocklegends #redesigned #slash #billygibbons #kurtcobain #fanart #fanart
#artwork #stainedart #rocklegends #redesigned #slash #billygibbons #kurtcobain #fanart
Rock Legends Art Work…
Artists: Slash, Billy Gibbons, KurtCobain…
#artwork #colorized #rocklegends #slash #billygibbons #kurtcobain #fanart #fanart
#artwork #colorized #rocklegends #slash #billygibbons #kurtcobain #fanart
Today In Metal History 🤘 February 25th, 2023 🤘PANTERA, ALICE COOPER, THE BEATLES, SCORPIONS
TALENT WE LOST R.I.P. George Harrison (BEATLES) - February 25th, 1943 - November 29th, 2001 (58) R.I.P. Dee Cernile (SVEN GALI) who died of lung cancer on February 25th, 2012. He was 46. HEAVY BIRTHDAYS Happy 60th Pia Maiocco (VIXEN) - February 25th...
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #pantera #alicecooper #thebeatles #scorpions #MetalHistory #february25 #rocklegends
DAVE GROHL Credits PANTERA With Introducing Him To Crown Royal
FOO FIGHTERS frontman Dave Grohl played a four-song solo concert at Crescent Ballroom in downtown Phoenix, Arizona Friday night (February 10) in advance of Super Bowl 2023 at State Farm Stadium in Glendale. The former NIRVANA drummer, who appears in a Super Bowl commercial for...
#DaveGrohl #Pantera #CrownRoyal #RockLegends #Inspirational #RockAndRoll #WhiskyTasting
#themetaldogarticlelist #blaermouth #davegrohl #pantera #crownroyal #rocklegends #inspirational #rockandroll #whiskytasting
METALLICA - Complete Sixth Annual CLIFF BURTON Day Stream Available
February 10th marked the sixth annual Cliff Burton Day in honour of the late Metallica bassist, who would have turned 61 on the day. A special stream celebrating the occasion was aired featuring interviews with Connie Burton, Lou Martin, Flemming Rasmussen of Sweet Silence Studios, Mike...
#Metallica #CliffBurtonDay #SixthAnnualStream #MusicHistory #RockLegends
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #metallica #cliffburtonday #sixthannualstream #musichistory #rocklegends
THE ROLLING STONES Release "Doom And Gloom" Video From Upcoming GRRR Live! Release
The Rolling Stones will release GRRR Live!, the definitive live hits album from the band’s career, on February 10 via Mercury Studios/Universal Music. The album will be available in various formats; 3LP black, 3LP coloured white (Indies exclusive) 3LP re...
#TheRollingStones #DoomAndGloom #GRRRLiveRelease #ClassicRocks #RockLegends #UnfollowedMemories
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #therollingstones #doomandgloom #grrrliverelease #classicrocks #rocklegends #unfollowedmemories
AC⚡DC - Catchier than a velcro fishing net covered in super glue...
#acdc #hardrock #rocklegends
Freddie Mercury's rare Live Aid rehearsal footage shared by Queen
Queen only "stole the show" at Live Aid thanks to Freddie Mercury, claim Brian May and Roger Taylor.
#FreddieMercury #Queen #LiveAid #RehearsalFootage #BrianMay #RogerTaylor #RockLegends
#themetaldogarticlelist #express #freddiemercury #queen #liveaid #rehearsalfootage #brianmay #rogertaylor #rocklegends